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This is a re-written version on chapter one I will continue to revise the rest of the chapters

"Tomoe!" Nanami yells as she runs out the shrine in a panic, I glance a my human lover questionably. "Akura-ou got his body back and he's after you" her panic clear in her voice

"How?" I question worrying not for myself but her laced in my voice. Knowing what he did to who he thought was my lover years ago I feared for Nanami's life. "I don't know" her eyes getting teary as she talks "the war God said he has to inform all the gods of Akura-ou's resurrection, then he told me he was after you and that's all"  

I hug my near crying lover trying to comfort her. "What do we do I don't want him to hurt you" she says what I'm thinking. "Don't worry Nanami he won't hurt me" I rub her back as she sobs into my chest "it'll be fine"

--later that night--

I lay in my futon, a sleeping Nanami snuggles in my arms. I gently lay her on the futon and kiss her head "I'm sorry Nanami but I have to protect you" I get a pen and paper and write.

Dear Nanami

I have left due to the situation with Akura-ou I fear that he will come after you if I stay. I will trust the snake to take care of you in my absence, please don't cry when you find this letter. I will return to you when either I or the gods have exterminated Akur-ou.
Sincerely Tomoe
I leave the note next to her and slip out the shrine unnoticed.
--another time skip--

I look up at the Shrine steps I haven't climbed in years and wonder how long I've been gone. After a long time of not hearing anything of Akura-ou I decided it was safe to return home. The human city near the shrine seemed so different then I remembered, it had taller buildings and more technology at every turn. I contemplate how things changed as I climb the stone steps leading to the shrine.

I expect to see my happy-go-lucky love Nanami or a certain lazy snake as I reach the top. I'm surprised to see two traditionally dressed children playing on the shrine grounds. One child a young looking girl with long brown hair and a brown fox tail and ears to match. She oddly reminded me of Nanami. The other a boy around the same age that seemed to be a tangu though he resembled a dove more then a crow, with his white hair and wings. As the children run around paying no attention to me I saw a glance of something that horrified me.

Nanami's land God mark but it wasn't on her, instead it was on the forehead of the little girl running around the front of the shrine. Why did this child have a land God mark? Where's Nanami? Questions swirled around my head as I feared the worst. I grabbed the child "why do you have the land god mark?" I demanded from the now scared child. The tangu yelled for help while trying to pry the girl from my hands "Dad! Mizuki! Help!" The girl yelled with him trying to get out of my hands "Mizuki! Kurama!"

Two familiar faces busted out the shrine doors, Mizuki taking the children in his arms and Kurama tackled me to the ground pinning me so I couldn't move. "Crow get off me! Why does she have Nanami's mark?" I yell at him

He looks at me wide eyed "Tomoe?" Mizuki stares equally surprised. "You've been missing for years and you come back to terrorize children?"

I ignore his statement determined to find out who this child with Nanami's mark is and where my lover is. "Where is Nanami? Why does this child have her mark?"

Mizuki looks at me pained "you idiot fox you really don't know how long you have been gone do you?"

I give a questioning look to the snake though admittedly, I didn't know how long I've been gone maybe 3-4 years "how long have I been gone?"

Mizuki stands up and walks to the shrine holding the small girl "403 years"

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The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now