Father daughter time

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I have a child.
I have a daughter.
It doesn't sound right no matter how I say it. I Tomoe have a 5 year old daughter. One that I didn't even know existed. A daughter who's life up till now I've missed. The regret of leaving sinks in, now seeing that I caused more grief than anything. It hurts to think about how many times Nanami wished I was there, that I didn't abandon her.

Tomi jumps on the couch next to me trying to get my attention. "Tomoe" she calls me

I look over at the small girl "you should call me father" I correct her

She sucks her teeth "Tomoe"

I sigh at her stubbornness

"Could you take my to the park" she asks

"Yes, but do you know how to hide your ears" I ponder remembering how strangely humans acted when seeing my ears.

"Why would I need to hide my ears? I never had to before"  she asks as if what I said was the strangest thing she ever heard

"Don't humans notice?"

"Well Yeah they do, so?" She says with sass

I sigh and walk to the door ready to walk her to the park. I noticed that many people waved or bowed respectfully as we walked, it seemed almost everyone we saw knew her making what could have been a 5 minute walk into a 20 minute one.

When we eventually arrived at the park where she met up with Rin and a female human child.

The human looked at me and asked in a high pitched voice "who is that Tomi?"

"That's my dad Tomoe" she shows me off "he's a powerful demon that means I'm going to be powerful too"

"Wow that's cool, your parents are the best, mine are just plane humans" the little girl pouts as if she saw being human as a bad thing

"Tomi how about we go to the swings" I suggest not wanting to be around the annoying-voiced human child. Tomi agreed and walks over to the swims insisting that I push her.

She sat on the swing and as she wished I pushed her, possibly a little too hard. She went flying out of the swing and into the air.

I quickly fly to catch her before we hit the ground. She held on to me tightly for a moment befor looking around to she that she was flying. She gasped "you can fly?"

"Of course"

"That means I can too, no more flying with Rin or uncle Mizuki"

"Maybe I'll teach you later, for now let's go back to the shrine" not long after saying that a small flying boy appears next to me.

"What the hell did you do to Tomi you stupid fox?" Rin yelled in outrage

"I saved her when she fell out the swing"

"FELL? You practically threw her! Give her to me I'll take her home, I'm her familiar"

"I'm her father" I hissed back at the smart mouthed kid glaring at him

"You haven't been for the last 400 years" she says as he yanks Tomi out my arms and flys to the shrine

He's right.

I sigh and fly after the irritating smart alec child

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now