Dates and Overly Protective Family

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Me and Hak are hanging out the shrine watching a movie and I also write sone tallisments.
Hak puts his arm around my shoulders and pecks my forhead.
"Tomi do you want to that restaurant that just opened up over yander? It's sap post to be really good"
Skweeee! Yes duh I want to say
"Oh yah sound last like fun" I say instead
"Cool pic you up around 8:30ish"
He says and leaves as the movie ends
I scramble around to find my phone.
I find it on the floor (go figure) and quickly call my bgf (best God friend) Yui. She is the God of the sky and she's super reliable for romance. (even though I'm the match making God) She always helps me with my out fits for a date.
"Hey Gurl frieeen" she says when she picks up
"Hey Yui, I need your fashion expertise. I have a date to a fancy restaurant with Hak tonight"
"Skweeeeeeeeee of course I'll help you I'll be there in a second!"
She hangs up and o here a knock at the door.
She gets around by cloud so she is really fast.
"I'm going to make you GORGEOUS!"
She says pulling me to my room.
As she pulls me dad and Mizuki stare at us with a "wtf" look.
Yui just pushes me into my room and slams the door shut.
She pulls a small box out her purse and places or on the ground.
I look at her and smirk "you didn't"
"Oh yes I did" she says as the box expands into a gigantic closet. "I brought the portable closet! Oh yay!"
We spend a hour picking out my outfit. We ended up choosing a long purple with a slit in it that covers my tail. (Shown above)
We spend another hour on makeup. I don't even wear makeup, I personally don't think I need to I'm already gorgeous. But Yui forced me to wear it. She brushes out my waist length brown hair and fixes my bang. I also put in the necklace Hak got me for my birthday.
She then pushes me in front of a body size mirror.
Without knocking dad barges in.
"Tomi come ea-" he stops mid sentence and stares at me
"You look just like her" he says with pride and sadness in his eyes.
"You always say that"
"It's because you do"
Them Mizuki jumps in the room.
"Awwwwwwwww you look like Nanimi" he exclaimes
I've heard many stories of my mom. Of how she was an incredible goddess even though she was human, of how she helped so many humans, yoki, and gods, of how a lot of men fell for her, and how she saved dad.(which I found hard to believe she was a human after all). People always compare me to her saying I look like her or how I act like her sometimes.
"Thanks guys even though I have fox ears and purple eyes"
"Why are you all dressed up?" Dad asks skeptically
"Don't freak out."
"No promises"
"*sigh* I have a date with Hak"
Dad and Mizuki just stand there staring at me for a second as they comprehend what I just said.
"WHAT!!" They yell
*crunch*(the sound of Yui eating popcorn)
"Your acting like this is my first date"
"I forbid you from going" dad says
*CRUNCH* (more popcorn)
"I'm going you have no legitimate reason to stop me" I say as I storm out
*crunch crunch* "well that just happened"
I storm to the living rio and wait for Hak.
Knock Knock
I open the door and Hak is standing there in a nice suit.
"Hello gorgeous. Ready to go or do I have to deal with your dad?" He says
"If we leave fast you won't"
Hehehe in evil cliffhanger....kinda
The actual date will be next chapter
See you then

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