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"Hak! Dad! In! I'm in here hurry up" I yell as a hear them enter the cave

"Tomi! Your in here? Who took you?" Rin yells as I see a blue light make its way down the cave

"A certain assehole with with red hair" I say in a duh tone like who else should be powerful anof to take me.

"AKAR-OU I'm GOING TO KILL YOU ALL OVER AGAIN!" Dad screams in anger

"Who's Akar-ou?" I here hak question

God I swere he doesn't know history. Don't get me wrong he's not stupid he's actually pretty smart but he never cared anof to learn about anything that went down before he was born unless it effected him directly. I guess it helps sometimes like how he doesn't know that I'm half human. Ya I know my mom is famous for being a HUMAN goddess but hak doesn't care about history so when I told him my mom was a god he just assumed she was like grandpa. Anyway I'm getting off track the who pointed of that rant is that hak doesn't know about the or more specificly my past.

"Tomoe's old partner" rin tells him vaugly

"Why would he take Tomi?" My boyfriend asks

"They have bad blood"

"Well I'm happy you guys are getting along but less talking more saving" I say to the boys

"Let Tomi go" dad growls through his teeth

"How about no" he replies

I stand up "ok I'm tired of this, Akaur-ou open this damn cage now. Dad calm yo ass down"

Everyone looks at me astonished

I pull out a leaf and place it on my head. Smoke fills the air and I turn into a rat and crawl out the cage.

I look at Akaur-ou "still falling for the same tricks?" I say pulling off the leaf "hey babe thanks for coming" I kiss Hak on the cheek "Now" I crack my nuckles " it's time to kill a roach. What do you say dad?"

At that dad lunges at him. But this whole time Akar-ou was just to calm, to quiet, there's something wrong.
"Dad do-" I start but I'm stoped when blood splatters on my face. My eyes widen at the site

Oh I'm evil aren't I cliffhanger
What happened
What does Tomi see
Mwahahahaha you will have to wait to find out

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now