The night of the festival

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Let me just say something before you read. I will be changing pov's frequently so bear with me.
Oh and thanks for over 600 views like just wow never thought I would get this many views.

"Tomi how long does it take to bet dressed your just one girl" Dad yells annoyed
"I'm coming I'm coming just give me a second, perfection takes time" I yell giggling at the last part.
I walk out the room in a kamono that fades from light pink to white, I have a butterfly hair stick holding my hair in a bun, and make up that in my opinion flawless. Me and my dad walk out together. Dad suddenly tenses up not wanting to let me go I look up to see why.
At a nearby stall stood my boyfriend he is another fox yoki his name is Hak he has short black hair and is about 5 inches taller then me. Dad is vary protective so even though hak is a nice guy Dad is really hard on him.
"Dad let go" I whine
"No I think I'll walk you around" he replyed
"Is it because Hak is here"
"Yah right just let go"
"No" he says stubbornly
I just take out a white talesment and write paralyzed on it then put it on dad.
"Sorry daddy" I say before walking away
"Tomiiiiiiii!" He says as I high and make my way over to hak.
I hop up and hug him before he notices I'm there.
"Hey babe"
"Hey Tomi" he hugs me back "happy birthday" he leans down and kiss me on the forhead
"Thanks" I blush
Meanwhile I can see dad steaming still paralyzed on the porch.
"Let's walk around" I say trying to escape my dad's glare.
"Cool I'll buy you a ice cream then I can give you your present"
"Yay! What is it?"
"It's a surprise"
"Just tell me"
"Nope you will have to wait"
"Ugg ok, let's hurry to get the ice cream" I pull him away to the ice cream booth
After we get our ice cream we go sit on the porch at the shrine. Witch took a lot longer then you think since everyone in the city was at the shrine and wishing me happy birthday.
"So what did you get me" I ask leaning on his shoulder. He pulls a little black box out his pocket an hands it to me. I open the box and in it in a silver necklace with a shiny purple jewel in the shape of a heart in it.
"It's beautiful" I said happily
"Well sense you birthday only comes every 200 human years I would do something special"
"Aww thanks" I giggle
He picks up the necklace and puts it on for me.
I pick it up and look at it
"It's beautiful" I admire the stone
"It's almost as beautiful as you" he completes. I fear my face get warm.
He leans down and kisses me on the lips.
-----meanwhile with tomoe
"Mizuki pull this white talesment off e now!" Tomoe yells Mizuki just drunkly giggles at him
"Hehehe *hic hehe"
-------back to Tomi
"Tomi I love you"
I blush deeply
"I love you to"
Then I feel a dark presences glaring daggers at me. I think we both felt it because we both turn around to see who's behind is.
"H-hi daddy" I smile nervously at my father standing behind us. He practically has miasma floating around his body.
"Hi Tomoe" hak says nervously
Dad pics him up by the collor of his shirt.
"What you think your doing with my little girl?" He says
"Dad! Leave Hak alone" I say with pink flames shooting from my hands.
Dad drops hak and his hands catch aflame to
"Who do you think you're pulling out your flames on"
"You old man"
Hak just sits there and watches as me and my dad engaged in one of our many stupid battles.
I pin my down with my flame close to his head "so how does it deal to get beat by your daughter?"
He grunts
I let him go and get up.
"So if you are the most powerful demon in the world and I beat you in battle, doesn't that make ME the strongest demon in the world?" I giggle
"I swear you have two completely different personalities" Hak says walking up to me.
"How I'm just a sweet girl who can bust some heads when I need to."
"That's why I love you"
So what do you think about teen Tomi?
And I'm still looking for a pic I can put but there are no fan arts of them having a teen kid.

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now