The date

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"Wow" I say looking around in amazement. The restaurant Hak took me to is amazing. It is set up really fancy and everyone there is dressed up.

"Pretty nice huh?" Hak asks

"Ya it's so pretty"

"Wait till you see our seats. I got special reservations"


Hak chuckles "I know people"
We walk up to the hostess she looks like a dog yoki. She is really pretty, she has long golden brown hair, brown eyes, and dog ears on her head. She looks to Hak and says

"How can I help you sir?" All flirty like batting her eyes

Oh so that's how your going to play it  I think to my self

"I have reservations for Two under the name Hak"

The girl giggles "ok let me just check" she flips through a book.

I pick up on her trying to be flirty so I hug Hak's arm.

"Babe this place is so nice" I emphasize the babe to let her know he's mine.

She glares at me slightly then looks to Hak

"Here it is" she points to her book"I'll escort you to your table"

Hak and I follow her through the restaurant and I can't help but notice every woman in the restaurant check hak out as we walk by there tables. I light my middle finger behind my back and hold it up. All the woman notice and immediately look away. Me and Hak arrive at a candlelit table with a white table cloth on it that is right next to a big window that over looks the street below.

Me and Hak sit at the circular table.

"Wow this is so pretty" I gasp as I look out the window.

"I knew you would like it here" Hak smiles then picks up his menu

I pick up mp my menu and skim it when something catches my eye

"Oh my god they have stake burgers!" I whisper yell to Hak

"I'm guessing you've decided what you want then?" He laughs at my enthusiasm

"Yep! What about you?"

"shiitake mushroom soup" he replies

"Eww, how can you eat that stuff?" I say disgusted.

Shiitake mushrooms are nasty I HATE them. Nonetheless dad always sneaks some in my food.

"I don't know what your talking about shiitake is good"

"whatever you say" I say under my breath

The waiter walks over and takes our orders.

Out the corner of my eye I spot a female frog yoki get up from her table and walk towards us.

"hi cutie" she say to Hak completely ignoring my presence. My ear twitches.

"eh-hem" I clear my throat

She glances at me I glare at her. She just turns back to Hak and continues to try to flirt.

'Oh no she didn't' I think 'your messing with the wrong girl"

I kick the frog girl in the ankle. She look to me.

"Oww. Why did you kick me?" she says loudly and fake. Hak looks to me and sees me steaming with rage.

"Excuse me but could you please leave I'm on a date with my GIRLFRIEND" he says to the frog. She looks at him shocked as if she had never been rejected. She then scowles at me and walks back to he table.

Hak starts to laugh uncontrollably "Oh my god it looked like you where ready to pull her head off"

"Well she was flirting with the wrong god's boyfriend"

"I swear I forget your a god sometimes. Your temper is to short" he continues to laugh

" Everyone says I get it from my Dad"

"but I thought everyone says your like your mom"

"Ya in case of looks, but my personality is mostly like my dad since my mom was only aroud for the first 3 years of my life'

"You mean 600 years?"

"no she died 3 human years after I was born"

"Really?" he asks shocked " how do you even remember her?"

"She was my mom you don't forget your mom"

"I guess not"

"Um can we change the subject?"

"Oh ya sure, sorry."

"Nah its ok"

"Did I tell you about the baseball game? Our team won"

We spend the rest of the evening just talking. Hak walks me home afterwards.

"thanks for walking me home, bye" I kiss him on the cheek then walk up to the shine. When I walk in my dad is sitting on the coach practically waiting for me.

"Tomi your back" he says darkly

"hi daddy" I say sweetly and nervously

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now