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I'm going to rewrite this chapter later

(3 years later)

It's been 3 years since dad passed away, it took my a while but eventually I got over it. And after the pain of losing my father faded all the good things in my life surfaced.
And one of them is today. I look in the mirror at me wearing a white dress that stops at my feet. Yui is with me makeing sure everything is perfect.
"You look so beautiful, I can't wait till I get married!" Yui sequels
"You don't even have a boyfriend" I respond rolling my eyes
"Your so luck I have to go out soon it else I would get you"
"Oh yeah right" I laugh
Yui walks out our little room and makes her way up to the arch and stands in the bridesmaid's spot.
Then my bundle of joy comes skipping in with a basket of flower petals.
"Mama I get to throw flowers!" My two year old daughter says happily. Soon her 2 year old brother comes with a ring "Mei we have to wo out now come on" he says trying to sound responsible. He always thought of it as his job to protect and watch over his little sister
"Oty oty don't drop the wing" she says walking out arm and arm with her brother while throwing the flower petals. I love those two, they are me and Hak's children if you haven't guessed it yet there twins. Both of them have purple eyes since both me and Hak do. Mei, my girl, has black hair while Soy, my boy, has brown hair. Both of them have wight at the tips of there ears and tail like I do.
Mizuki walks up to me and smiles
"Are you ready to be married?" He asks me
I nod and we make our way down the isle to my husband to be, Hak.
The ceremony goes smoothly with no acar-ou there to cause trouble.
We take our kids home and sit on the couch with the kids in our hands.
"I love you so much Hak"
He leans down and kisses my forehead "I love you more"
Ok so that was the end
I can't believe it! This is the longest book I've done and it's finished. I loved writing this and I hope you loved reading
See you later my fellow otakus!!🤗
*ending song to some show plays*

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