Missong tomi

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Tomoe's POV (finally)

"I'm livid that that child" I rant to Mizuki
"First she thinks she is stronger then me then she sneaks out!" I continue
"She never listens to reason! She is just like Nanami!" As I rant Mizuki just sips his sake
"What am I suppose to do with her?"
"Tomoe she's not a child anymore" Mizuki finally speaks up "she's not the little 500 year old girl you used to know. The is a grown demon and God. She can take care of herself."
"Who side are you on snake!"
"Tomi's" he says bluntly
"Damn snake-"
"I never liked you Tomoe. You took my bride away from me. Then you knock her up. Then you disappeared for 402 years. Do you know the suffering Nanami went through just  waiting for you to come back? Do you know what Tomi went through growing up and in the human world without her parents for 400 years?" Mizuki goes off on me
"But akar-ou-"
"He is no excuse you know shore as hell you could have protected Nanami or at least told her you where leaving before hand instead of leaving her in the middle of the night"
As Mizuki rants momoru runs in the room in his human form.
"Guys bug big problem!" He yells
"Tomi is gone and I can't find her!"

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now