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Tomi's POV 


That's all I want to do, I just want to sleep forever. I just can't cope with it. I just can't believe that dad is dead. Me and him always fought and argued but he was still my dad. I loved him. Now he's gone because he was trying to protect me. Same with mother, she could have aborted me but she didn't and that cost her her life. Everyone I love just dies.

I cry softly on my bed so no one can hear me. Everyone is still at my house and some gods have sent me there simpathys but it doesn't help they don't know the feeling of losing a loved one. The only ones that makes me feel slightly better are hak and Rin there the only ones who can relate to me. Rin is my best friend he has always been there and he lost his mom when he was young, Hak lost his whole family when he was 1000. All of them slaughtered by yoki hunters.

I here a knock at the door and fix myself up. Wiping the tears from my eyes I open the door to see hak standing there, a sad smile on his face.

"Hey babe how do feel"

"I-I'm fine" I lie, he doesn't need to know I was crying 

"Your a horrible liar, come here" he says with open arms. I run and hug him tightly 

"He's gone he's really gone"

Hak rubs my back "it's ok you'll be alright"

"But it's my fault they died mom and dad both died because of me, everyone I love dies"

He cups my face and turns my head towards him "hey, look I'm still here aren't I? I love you Tomi and you won't see me dieing anytime soon"

I smile knowing that he is here for me "I love you Hak"

We go and sit on my bed "Tomi can I ask you something"

"S-sure" I say reluctantly knowing what he's about to ask

"Before you said you where a special case, how is that?"

"Well you know how I told you my mom died when I was 3?" He nods "well that's because she was human and she had a disease-no curse that runs in my family" he looks at me wide eyed. I expected no less since he thought I was full yoki

"How is that possible? Your mom was a god humans can't be gods"

"They can it's rear though. My dad was her familiar and they came to love each other" I say not trying to get into the whole time traveling story "since I'm half human I have some" I pause looking for the right word "disadvantages. I can't use my fire to a large scale or I burn my hands and if  fire any other part of me I get burned, I'm as strong as yoki as in hitting but getting hit I'm as fragile as a human." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks

" I was scared that you wouldn't love me if you found out I was part human, I'm sorry" I say with my head down in shame

"Goodness I'm not that shallow to not love you just because your half human what do you take me for" Hak playfully hits me and for a moment I forget my troubles and am overcome by happiness. He's really okay with the fact I'm part human. I smile at him lovingly.

"Thank you for not being mad" I hug him


Ok so sadly this is the last chapter of this book (minus the epilogue I'm going to write)

I loved writing this book and I'm kinda sad to see it finished 

I will do the Q&A after the epilogue IF I get more questions  I need more questions or I can't do it thx

Love you see ya later my fellow otakus

Oh my god I just noticed I'm in the Kamisama kiss what's hot list YAY!!!!

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