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Teen Hak and Tomi

"Are you still mad at me?" Hak asks me referring to our previous fight, well I wouldn't say fight more of a disagreement. I put my middle finger up in response.

I looks up to the trees surrounding us and scratches his head"Ok I think I get the point"

"Yeah, I hate you"

"I don't get why your so mad!" He whines

"I'm mad cause your ex girlfriend is a booty whole! She keeps bothering me and you don't do crap!" I walk faster, he tries to catch up but runs into a branch,


"That's what you get you sky scraper"

He catches up and pulls a coin out his pocket "look will you forgive me if I win this coin flip? Heads I'm yours, tails your mine"

"NOOOO stop" I whine, him knowing cuteness affects me

"Babe can I give you a kiss? If you don't like it you can return it" he says kissing my cheek

I run ahead "I won't forgive you that easily"

I turn to where he was but he's gone. I look around the surrounding park.

"Tomi!" He calls I turn around to see him

He holds out a icecream on a stick shaped like a heart "there's something in my eye, it's my love for you"

"Gosh Hak why!" I yell surprising him " why do you have to be so adorable and make it so hard for me to hate you!" I say taking the ice cream

"Oh look Tomi you stole my heart again" he smiles putting his arm around me

"All I want to do is hate you! You adorable fox"

I'm sorry to inform you but if you have read this far your taste sucks. I made this when I was 12. I am so sorry you where subjected to this you poor soul.

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now