Yoki training

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I drew that ^ is it good?

Me and Tomi stand in a open field with nothing but short grass around us. The perfect place to train. Tomi was really excited when I told her I would train her on how to use her powers. Tomi is wearing a pink T-shirt and a jean skirt with a blue a pink belt I can tell I'm going to be chasing boys away when she is older so not looking forward to that.
"Ok Tomi today we are going to be working on fox fire"
She just starred at me with a "what is that" face. So I lit my hand with a tiny flame and showed her.
"This is fox fire"
"Wow it's blue!"
"Ya it can be different colors"
"Oh oh I want to use fox fire" I think back to how I was taught how to use it.
"Tomi hold out your hand" she holds her hand out wide. I lite my finger and place the fire in her hand.
"Try to keep it aflame"
"Ok" she is a natural she takes control imitately and the flame turns bright pink.
"Yay my flame is pink!" She squeals happily. I sit in the grass while she plays with the fox fire making is bigger and smaller at will. Then next thing I know the I'm surrounded by fire.
"Ahhhh" Tomi screams
"What happened!"
"The fire got on the grass then it got really big."
Suddenly the fire is out and the grass is drenched. Mizuki pops out from behind a tree.
"Snake why are you here!"
"I'm making sure you don't get Tomi killed"
"You don't trust me?"
"Nope. you just almost got her killed"
"I could have handled it"
"Ya right"
"Waaaaaaaahh" Tomi cries Tomoe and Mizuki go over to her.
"What's wrong Tomi" I ask
"I hurt my leg"
I look at her leg to see a big burn mark on her leg.
"How did you burn yourself with your own fox fire? I didn't know that was even possible." I say under my breath.
"Tomoe she is part human after all" Mizuki replies.
I forgot she is still part human. I guess she can get hurt easier then most yoki. I really will need to watch her better for now on.
"Come on let's get you home" Mizuki says and picks her up. I take her from his hands and carry her.
"Do you want to fly there?" I ask
"Ya let's fly on Mizuki's giant snake"
I can't believe she picked a snake over me flying her.
"Ok" I force out
I really need to be nice to her so she doesn't end up scared of me. I am the most powerful yoki in the world after all I'm someone to be feared but not by my daughter.

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now