I wont lose you too

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"Ugh what"
"Can we go train again"
"But last time you burnt yourself" I reply remembering last time
"Playing daddy I'll be more careful"
"No maybe when you older" besides acar-ou is on the loos and knows where we are.
"B-but daddy" she makes the puppy dog eyes.
"Daddy I need to train to become stronger" she does have a point
"Ok ok I'll train you"
"Yay. Run it worked" she yells
Rin flys in from his hiding spot in the hallway.
"Good for you Tomi. I'll come and watch you train"
"What worked?" I but in
"Nothing" she giggles

-----time skip-----
We once again stand in the open field where we train.
"This time lets work with leaves"
She looks at me in confusion. I take out a leaf and give it to her.
"It's like a white talismant just it only works on living things and you don't have to write on it"
"Wooooow" she says looking at the leaf
"Just imagine what you want it to become then place it on them. Like this"
I place a leaf on my head and turn into Nanami.
"Wow you look like mommy" she says looking really happy
"You remember what she looks like?"
"Ya let me try let me try"
"Ok" I say taking the leaf of my head
She places the leaf on her hand then turns into a blue bird.
"Yay it worked"
"Good job now it will be easier for me to get you" I hear acur-ou say
I grab the little bird Tomi and quickly take the leaf of so she returns to normal. Just then acur-ou approaches
"Oh that's no fun Tomoe"
Damn he found us again already
"Acur-ou what do you want? Why are you here?" I yell while shielding Tomi from anything he might try.
"You know why I'm here I want to take away all things important to you"
Tomi has been real quiet this whole time. I lite my hand ready to fight. Then Tomi comes from behind me with a white talismant and a leaf and throws them at Acur-ou.
"No Tomi get back behind me"
"I can handle this" Suddenly acur-ou falls to the ground in pain.
"Yes" Tomi cheers but I know this was too easy.
He looks up and smiles"you didn't think that would work did you" he says evilly.
Tomi is still near him so he reaches up grabs he and runs away.
"Tomi" I scream. I try to run but my body won't move I curse at my self to move. But they are already gone.
I fall to my knees.
"No I can't lose you to"
"I won't lose you Tomi" and I speed off in the direction they went in.

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now