Daddy help

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I finally decided to make Tomi's prospective

Toni's pov
"Ahhhhh let me go" I yell at the scary guy taking me away from my dad
I try to wiggle out his arms but he just holds me tighter. So I lite my fox fire and put it on his back.
"That won't work on me kid" he says still running.
"Daddy" I yell
"Daddy, Mizuki, Rin, someone help"
He just keeps running then suddenly stops at a cave. He throws me in a cell inside the cave. Scraping my knees , hands, and one of my elbows in the process. The cave is dark and damp. I start to cry as I wish for someone to come save me and because my scraps hurt.
"Shut up brat" the evil man who took me says
"Wh-who are you why did you take me"
He turns to my and smiles evilly
"I'm acur-ou and I took you because I hate your daddy"
"Y-your Acur-ou?" Oh no mommy told me he was a bad guy.
"Yes are you scared of me"
"N-no" I lie I'm terrified I heard he can't die. I cry when I figure out how scary he really is.
He laughs evilly and walks just outside the cave.
I need to get out of here somehow. Wait I have an idea.
I take out a leave and turn myself into a rat.
Yucky I'm a rat! Well this is my only way out unless daddy comes soon.
I slip out of my cell then sneak past acur-on out the cave and behind a tree.
I stick out my tongue and say dummy under my breath bet all that comes out is a high pitched squeal. After my failure of a insult I scurry off. After a while I see daddy running frantically through the forest. I change back into myself and run and hug my dad.
"Daddy I found you"
"How did you get away grim him"
"I turned into a rat then ran"
"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"
"I scraped my knees, hands, and my elbow when he threw me in a cell. He was scary and mean" I cry as my cuts and scrapes start hurting again.
He looks at my scrapes.
"There pretty deep" he says clenching is fist. Picks me up princess style.
"Let's get home and get you cleaned up" he says as he flys in the sky.
I love when he flys with me, but not today the wind hurts when it goes against my cuts and scrapes.
"Tomi how did you hurt your knee" my mother says inspecting my large wound
"I-I feel from t-the tree"
"It's my fault we where trying to get a Apple then she fell and I didn't catch her" my best friend/familiar says crying
"Rin it's ok it's not your fault" my mom says kindly. She is so nice especially to kids, she is fun she acts like a kid sometimes. But Sometimes when she thinks I'm not around I see her crying and when she notices I'm there she stops and just hugs me.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up" she carries me princess style to the house and washes off my knee then wraps a bandage around it.
"Feel better now?"
"Ya thanks mommy" I smile
-----------end of flashback--------------
Daddy sits me down on the couch then runs off to get some bandages. We must have got to the shrine when I was daydreaming about mommy.
The front door opens
"Hey Tomi I left my toy here last time I came over have you seen it?" Rin says walking in. He looks around then sees me sitting on the couch and sits next to me. "Tomi are you ok you look like you were crying"
"I-I'm ok" I say
He picks up my arm and points tou elbow.
"What happened here"
"I fell" I lie
"Ok..." He says skeptically
That's when daddy comes in with a first aid kit. He picks Rin up by the collor and throws him to the other couch
"Get your hands off my daughter twirp"
Rin glares at daddy, he just ignores him and fixes my cuts.
"Thanks daddy"
"Don't mention it"

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now