Remembering Nanami

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I walk around the shrine looking at how much it's changed.
There is now a fish pond in the front next to the path. Also there and many worshipers visiting the shrine and children playing in the front. In the back there is a swing set and in the far corner under a tree is a tome stone with the words

Nanami Momozono
Mother of Tomi Momozono and lover of Tomoe Mikage
Loved by all who meet her she will forever be missed.

Carved into it. It had flowers surrounding it and a picture of her in front of it. I bent on my knees and prayed. While I pray I start to cry for I will never see her smile again. I will never here her call my name. Or hug her when she is sad. It's all my fault I shouldn't have left. I fill a tap on my shoulder when I turn aroun I see Tomi in a traditional kimono and thee hair put up with a hair stick. Nanami's hair stick. The hair stick that changed both of our lives.
"Daddy I heard your prayer and it's ok it's not your fault"
I forgot she was a land God so she could here the whole thing.
"It was just mommy's time to go"
She is a lot wiser then I originally thought she was well she is my child after all.
"Thanks Tomi how's your leg?"
"Fine. Umm... Daddy uh what was mommy like? I was small when she died so I don't remember her well" sit Tomi in my lap.
"She was kind and she always helped people. She often got in over her head but she always proveled. She was weak and fraile too but strong willed."
"Really? Mommy sounds like she was a good god"
"She was a great one. You know you look just like her"
"Yep you have her brown hair and her smile"
"Cool. Oh daddy I have to go worshipers are here"
"Ok I'll come with you"
"Ok I'll introduce you to some of the worshipers"
We both walk around front to where a few people are gathered.
"Hello" Tomi says walking up to them
"I heard your prayers and I would be delighted bless your unborn child"
Tomi raises her hand in front of her and chants something then smiles.
"Thank you land God-sama"
"A woman says"
"And let me introduce you to my father Tomoe" she point to me.
The woman and her friends look to me
"Well we'll be off"
------------later that night------------
"Helllloooooo" a tall blond man says peeking in the front door.
"Grandpa!" Tomi yells and runs over to Makige. He picks her up and swings her around.
"Makige?" I ask confused. Why did she call him grandpa he's not my dad.
"Tomoe! You're back" he says happily
Then his mood completely changes when he jump kicks me in the head still holding Tomi.
"Why did you leave for 403 years"
Mizuki just sits there drinking sake
*sip* he has a this ain't none of my Business look on his face
"Get off me Mikage"
"You get mad when I leave for 20 years yet you leave for 403 explain yourself"
"When did you start getting violent!? And become her grandpa"
"I consider myself your dad so I'm her Grandpa" he says finally lifting his foot from my face.
"Hehe grandpa's funny" Tomi giggles as if reading a silly book
*sip* Mizuki in the background
"Grandpa don't be mad at daddy I'm not"
"Dang Tomoe why did you put Nanami through all that" those words break my heart I did put her through a lot didn't I. And I don't even know. I didn't even know that she died let alone had a child.
"I'm sorry" every one turns to look at me
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have left"
Mikage gets all nice and carefree again
"You are forgiven just don't leave ever again" he smiles then sits at the table.
"Now what's for dinner?"
"Nothing for you basterd!"
"What does basterd mean?" Tomi asks and we all stare at her.
"Nothing" I say

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now