The burns

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This chapter is not really finished but it's all I have for now sorry 

Hak's POV

I look over at Tomi who is laying unconscious in my arms, leaning on my shoulder. Burns covering her body and tears covering her face.

After she passed out me and Rin took her home and called Tomi's grandfather and told him to bring the peach pills. Mizuki panicked when we first walked in asking about Tomi's burns and where Tomoe was. Rin explained everything to him tearfully. Rin never really like Tomi's dad from what I heard he wasn't around for some of Tomi's childhood. But now he was crying for the man for he had been around for a long time.

But what I don't understand was how she was able to burn herself and pass out. I was impossible for a kitsuki to be burned by any fire but she was. Also it took a lot to make a yoki pass out especially kitsukis but she passed out so easily. She seemed so frail, almost human in a way. Which I know she's not because I've known her for over 100 years in that time a human would have died.

I hear a door open and it snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up to see who it is.

"Mikage" Rin says as Tomi's grandfather walked in with a bottle of pink pills in his hand.

I had seen the pills once before it was what Tomi used for emergencies. When her or Rin got hurt on one of there god missions. I think it was called peach pills. Tomi told me her mother left them for her after she died.

"What the hell happened" Mikage yelled "where is Tomoe, and why is Tomi hurt"

Me and rin look down in shame

"it was our fault, Tomi got kidnapped by Akar-ou, and Tomoe... he died. Tomi lost it and used her flames to much. She ended up burning herself." Rin says

Mikage looks at us with sad eyes "Tomoe is dead? How?" He says putting a pill in her mouth

"Akar-ou had strange claws and they stabbed right through him" I say

"Oh god" Mikage says looking at Tomi with eyes of pity

The burns on Tomi's skin heal leaving only a few scares on her arms and legs. Even though the burns are gone she stays unconscious. Maybe from shock or maybe the burns still hurt.
The peach pills are a miracle cure. They heal any wound by speeding up the healing process, but it doesn't unnaturally heal wounds. So if you get a shot to the brain it won't bring you back it only heals things that could me healed or cured with medicine or time.

Sleeps soundly in my arms. Hug her lovingly feeling bad for her. Her eyes start to flutter open.

"Hak?" She says sleepily looking at me

"Tomi how are you feeling"

"Fine, I had the weirdest dream. I had got kidnapped and was being held in a cell in a cave then you Rin and Dad came and I got out then dad died and I used my fox fire and got burned all over my body and I passes out. Hehe weird huh" Tomi says really fast "wait why is everyone here and where's Dad?" She asks looking around

"Tomi, it...wasn't a dream" Mikage says to her

Her eyes start to water "no you guys are kidding right? He can't be dead, dad can't be dead"

"Where not he, he's gone...I-I'm sorry" i say she then hugs me and barries her face in my chest. I feel her small body shake from her crying. I hug her back trying to comfort her. Rin walks over and rubs her back.

"I can't believe he's gone, first mom now dad! Both my parents died cause of me!" She cries

I look up to Rin with a questioning look. He mouths "later".

"Tomi do your burns hurt?" I ask. She looks at me dumb struck as if I said a forbidden word

"N-no. You saw me burnt?"

I nod "how did you burn yourself? I didn't know that was possible."

"It usually isn't. I'm a special case." She says softly 

"Don't ask her now can you just leave her be for now" Mikage says cutting her off

"Ok" even saying that I still feel a bit curious. How is she a special case


Well that was that chapter 

Guys I need more questions for the Q&A or else I can't do it

Thanks for feed back and votes

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