2,200 years later

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"Ahhhhhh Mizuki get off me"
"Tomi get up get up" my annoying familiar sings
"Five more minutes"
"Do you plan on sleeping through your 16th birthday" my irritable father asks pulling my out of bed by my feet using his tail. I still don't know how he does it.
"Ugg dad I'm not even 16 I'm like 2600"
"In yoki years your 16" Mizuki pipes in
"Get up before I pull you completely off the bed" as he says that I notice I'm in the very tip of my bed.
"Ok ok I'll get up" I say sitting up "Now let go"
"Hurry up and get ready you have guests"
"Ok I'll be down I'm 20 minutes" I say pushing the two men out my room.
I sit at the vanity in my room and stair at my reflection.
People who knew her always say I look like my mom.
I have long brown hair that touches my butt and big purple eyes that people say sparkle. I'm not tall like my dad but I'm not short I'm really skinny. Oh and I have brown fox ears and a tail that all have white tips.
I stop looking in the mirror and walk over to my closet I grab a light pink crop to and some light blue skinny jeans. I also grab a hairpin that I only where on special occasions it has a pink flower on it. My dad says it was moms and that the hairpin had a lot of history. Whatever that means, he said something about a curse and mom time traveling.
I slip on the cloths I picked out and put my hair in a bun using the hair pin and walk down the shrine hall. When I get to the dining room. I'm greater by my grandfather, Rin, Kurama, momoru, dad, And Mizuki. But the thing that caught my eye was the pink and purple frosted cake on the table.
A few of the go on about how much I resemble nanami (my mom) but I block them out all I think about is the cake.
"Wow greedy you not even going to say hi first" Rin says calling attention to himself.
"Hi. You satisfied?" Rin rolls his eyes
"Now cake"
"Just wait you impatient child" dade says from the kitchen."you have to eat first" dad brings out a big stew pot and places it on the table.
Everyone sits at the table I reluctantly put some stew in my bowl.
"Relax there's no shiitake mushrooms this time" my dad says
He loves sneaking shiitake in my
food even though he knows I hate it.
"Great" I say eating the stew.
----------five minutes later------
"Cake time" Mizuki says ready to cut the cake
"Yay cake"
"Your so childish Tomi" Rin laughs
"I don't care I just want cake"
Mizuki hands my a slice and I start eating it immediately

After every one ate we all sit in the living room and the give me my gifts. I got a bracelet from Rin and Kurama, Mizuki got me sake witch dad was pissed about, grandpa gave me a new shisusike egg. And dad was the last one to give me a present he gave me a beautiful purple kimono with a butterfly pattern on it. It was gorgeous.
"Thanks guys" I sat after opening all my presents.
"By the way we are having a festival at
the shrine tonight in celebration of your birthday" dad says nonchalantly
"Yay more food"
"How are yo skinny" Rin asks
"Oh shut up"

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now