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"Yeah Tomoe?"
"Do you like shiitake mushrooms" I ask with a smirk on my face. Nanami hated shiitake mushrooms yet I always made them for her.
"Shiitake mushrooms are disgusting!"
"Really" good to know hehehe
"Tomoe can I help you with breakfast"
"Do you even know how to cook?"
"Mom taught me how to make sasamochi" my ears perk up. I always enjoyed sasamochi, especially the way Nanami made it.
"Then yeah you can help"
------2 minutes later----------
"Tomi do you know how to use fox fire yet?"
"What's fox fire?" Face palm
"What about transformation"
"How would I know" bigger face palm
"What about using leafs"
"For what" face wall
I can't believe the snake didn't tell her about her powers. Now I will have to teach her, how inconvenient.
"Don't worry I'll teach you how to use your powers"
"Nice. Oh the sasamochi is ready"
"Can I have a taste"
She eyed me for a second "Sure"
I pick up a little pink square sasamochi it was shaped perfectly witch surprised me a bit. I took a bite of the little square while Tomi looked at me hopefully.
"It's really good" I said truthfully. This kid really knew how to cook it taste just like how Nanami use to make it.
"Thanks" she giggles happily.
Just a mini chapter for you guys

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now