Your alive?

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"Daddy who's acur-ou?" Tomi asked tilting her head
I froze at the mention of his name.
"H-how do you know him"
"Mommy told me to be careful of a demon named Acur-ou she said you two used to be partners but are now enemies"
No no she can't know about the monster I was. I don't want her to think of me in a bad way.
"Y-ya we where partners for a short amount of time" I half tell the truth, more like 1000 years.
"Why did you stopbeing partners?"
"...I guess I realized what we did was wrong." I don't want to lie to her
"How so?"
"Well when the 2 most powerful demons in the world get together nothing good happens"
"But I thought you where the most powerful demon in the world daddy"
"I am now" I sigh why did she have to be so curious?
"No your not" a familiar voice calls as the front door is broken down and a big cloud of dust forms. I grab Tomi to shield her from whatever is coming in.
"Who's there"
"Oh brother do you not remember me" the familiar voice says then I realized he said brother oh god no.
"Acur-ou? Get away from here"
"Aren't you happy to see me I heard you have a daughter and I came to see my niece"he says evilly
I lite my hand aflame
"Come close to her and you die" I rage. Then mizuki comes rushing in with Rin following close behind him.
"Don't you remember bother I can't die"
"I thought the gods destroyed you"
"Like that would happen"
I lite my flame bigger as I notice Tomi is clinging to me oh now he's done it.
"It seems You made Tomi scared for you sin you will not easily be forgiven" I glare at him harshly fox fire in one hand Tomi in the other.
"Momoru!!" Tomi screams and a familiar little monkey comes rushing in.
"Could that be." I whisper under u breath
"Barrier against evil!!" Tomi yells and Momoru circles acur-ou till the blast into the sky.
"It is" I smile
"Don't worry I'll be baaaaacccckkkkk" we here as he is blasted away.
"H-he was scary daddy" Tomi crys into my chest
"It's ok your safe" I say rubbing her back.
"But he said he would be back"
"Don't worry I won't let him hurt you"
I look to where Momoru was just standing and I see a little boy with a apron and spiky hair standing there.
"Momoru? Is it you"
"The one and only" he says pointing at himself with his thumb.
"Good to see you twirp"
"You to you mean old fox"
Tomi just stands there in confusion as her late mom's skisike and her dad start to bicker.

Sorry this chapter is short
Oo now its getting interesting acur-ou's alive?
Also announcement I will no longer be posting on weekends sorry but a girl needs a brake now and then

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now