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I hate leaving you guys with cliffhanger for a long time so here. Oh and I need more questions for the Q&A or I can't do it thx.
Blood, blood everywhere. On the walls on the floor, on the people around me.

All the blood came from one source, my dad.

There in front of me was my dad with Akar-ou's hand stabbing through his chest.
His hands had knife like claws at the end of each finger and every single one was stabbing through my daddy.

Akar-ou grinned evilly "finally I've killed him! I've killed Tomoe!" He yells pulling his had out my dad. Dad falls to the ground and I run to his side.
"D-d-d-daddy. No not you. You can't leave me alone like mom did you can't!" I cry
Dad looked at me sadness and pain in his eyes
"Tomi don't cry it's unsightly. You will be just fine without me."
"No no I won't!" I cry
Rin stares wide eyed at us. He knew dad just as well as me. They never really got along but now Rin was just as sad as me.
Hak sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder
"Rin, Hak. You better take care of my daughter"
Hak and Rin nodded not able to say anything
"Daddy stop! No final wishes! No goodbyes! Your not going to die!"
"Tomi I'm sorry for leaving you before. And now" dad says closing his eyes
"No!No! Dad! Daddy!"
He lays motionless on my lap
I sit there for a second then stand up
I light my hands on fire
"Boys leave" i tell Hak and Rin
"Tomi whatever your doing stop" Rin says
The fire spreads to the floor surrounding me. The pink flames burn my legs but I can't feel it. Everything was numb. My eyes locked on my target. Akar-ou stands in front of me still grinning.
"LEAVE! I don't want to hurt you guys"
"TOMI! YOU'LL BURN YOUR WHOLE BODY!" Rin yells knowing I can't use my flames on a large scale or I get burned.
"How can you burn yourself with your own flames?" Hak asks confused
I block everything out
All I see is red
Red from anger and the blood around me.
"I'll kill you" I yell at Akar-ou my flames growing bigger by the second
"You killed dad! You terrorized mom! I'll kill you"
"Tomi your burning yourself!" Rin yells

I throw a fireball at Akar-ou. He moves out the way so it doesn't hit him.
"Tomi your arms and legs" Hak says next to me
"We have to get her out of here Hak! Grab her and run! Don't let her go!" Rin yells not wanting me to burn myself more
Hak wraps his arms around me and picks me up then bolts outside the cave
"No let me go! I have to kill him!" I yell trying to get lose from Hak's grip
"No you will just burn yourself more!" Hak says sitting me down on the grass
"Tomi I'm not letting you go back in there"
I look up at Hak as he looks down at me with sadness in his eyes
I hug him and cry.
"Dad! My Dad is dead!"
Hak just rubs my back and let's me cry it all out. Occasionally kissing the top of my head.
I finally feel the affects of the burns. They hurt so bad and covers my whole body. The whole world seemed to turn black and I was engulfed in darkness.
There you go guys
Hey what do you think about this
Did I get you by surprise?
*passes out tissues*
*pats back* it's ok let is all out

Don't forget to comment I love feed back

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