God stuff

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3rd person POV
"Hey Rin I need to go fulfill some prayer to day want to come?" Tomi asks her crow familiar
"Do I have a choice"
"Nope" Tomi smiles
"No fair Tomi I want to come" Mizuki cries hugging Tomi
"Get off me old man" Tomi yells
Mizuki curls up in to a ball in the corner looking over his shoulder to Tomi.
"Your so cold Tomi"
"Well thank my dad for that one"
Mizuki gets up and hits Tomoe to n the head
"Tomoe you turned my sweet little Tomi in to a meany like you"
Tomoe grabs Mizuki by the neck and throws him.
"Whatever you guys go and bicker me and Rin have stuff to do"Tomi states pulling Rin out the shrine door. All they here while walking down the shrine steps is Tomoe and Mizuki fighting.
"There so troublesome" Tomi shakes her head
"Well anyway, we have to go and help some girl named Haruhi get with this guy Tamiki." Tomi tells Rin.
"Ok where are they" Rin asks "and why do you need my help"
"Your my familiar that's why" Tomi states poking him" and there at that prissy prep school Oran high"
"Ugg of all places"
"I know everyone there is stuck up. But we have to get. Those two together before the girl leaves for America tomorrow"
"What!? Why America"
"Does it matter? Let's just get this over with"
Tomi stops at the front gates of the school
She pupils out two white talismants and places them on herself and Rin.
"Invisible" Rin reads the talismants "clever"
"I know I know. Now let's go"
We walk into the school and practically push the two together. By the end or the day they started dating.
We go home and sit on the couches.
"Ugh that took way too long"
"Ya what is wrong with that girl she kept denying her love for him and she was dressed like a boy" Rin complains
So I have major writers block but here's a short chapter that I managed to make

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now