What happened?

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Tomi^^ she's so tiny

Rewritten part 2

My mind froze as I digested what he said, 403 years, I've been gone for 403 years. It explains why everything in the city was different, humans change a lot in a short amount of time. All the puzzle pieces slowly came together, there was no human that lived 403 years, Nanami wasn't here, someone else has her God mark.

Nanami's dead.

The realization hit me abruptly and it felt like my world stopped, I lost her again much like hundreds of years ago when I thought she was Yukiji. The pain of losing the one I love once again killed me inside, and this time time travel wouldn't bring her back to me.

I picked myself off the ground and followed Mizuki into the shrine. He put the child down in the living area of the house "go play Tomi" he said and she started playing with toys that where sprawled around the floor, not long after the male child joined her.

Mizuki lead me to the next room over and sat Kurama following suit. "Mizuki is she dead?"

He nodded slightly, conforming what I already knew. "How"

"She got sick after she gave birth to Tomi she was ill for years before she passed" Kurama answers instead of Mizuki who seemed reluctant to speek. I looked at him shocked.

"Gave birth? She had a child?" I felt betrayed, left behind. She moved on without me, finding another lover and even having a child with him.

"The little girl you scared half to death is her child, your child"

"Mine? How? When?" I was baffled at this new discovery, she was pregnant and I didn't even know. Not only that but I left her alone to go through the pregnancy and childbirth birth alone.

"She's 5 years old, 402 in human years. she aged like a normal human but after Nanami died she aged like a yokei, it's odd"

"What about the crow?"

"Oh he's mine" Kurama gushes "his name is rin! He has the most gorgeous wings, of course my fans where deviated when they found out I had a lover and kid!" He rambles on"he's 5 but he's growing very slow"

It was true a five year old tangu should be much bigger than the child was. I don't bother asking about the mother cause I truthfully don't care.

"He's Nanami's familiar" he continues

"He kissed her?" Outrage showing in my voice

"It was just a familiar contracts" Mizuki tells me nonchalant

"That doesn't help coming from you who kidnapped Nanami and kissed her in her sleep" I glare at the snake and he hisses back.

I can hear Kurama laughing as I storm out the room to formally meet my daughter. She's sitting in the living area turning the sides colorful cube with small multi-color squares on each side.

As I approach the small child Rin runs to block me. Standing in front of her with his arms spread out. I glare at the boy telling him to move but he stands ground. I decide to ignore him and start talking.


"Hello" she responds rather formally

"I'm Tomoe"

"Your the bastard fox Mizuki always mentions?" She asks innocently with no ill interest showing in her voice.

I brush off the fact that it's already implanted in my child's head that I'm a bastard. "I'm you father" I correct not exactly knowing how to interact with her. Rin has sat down by now still staying close to Tomi

"Dad?" She questions

"Yes" I now have a better look at the girl I see all her features. Her eyes are as big a Nanami's a dark purple replaced the light brown her eyes were. Her ears and tail almost completely brown accept the tips that faded into white. Her skin wasn't as pale as mine it resembled Nanami's tan. Looking at her I discovered numerous ways she resembled my dead lover. I truth she was the only piece of Nanami I had left.

This child, this tiny girl that I just met, who is tiny enough to be held in one arm is my last piece of Nanami.

"I will protect you, I won't leave you" I say more to myself then her. I made my vow that I wouldn't let history repeat itself. I wouldn't let my daughter alone like I had let Nanami.

A tear escaped my eye. Tomi looked confused but wiped my tear away "no crying, if you cry mom will be sad"

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( >•<)/ see ya next chapter

If anyone can draw better then me and would like to draw a picture of Tomi that I can use please message me

The fox an his child a Kamisama Kiss fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now