Chapter 53: Reality Over Mentality.

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I hung up, my voice choking me, strangling anything I had left in me to say, and I felt awful. The tears were pouring down, my feeling of loneliness was closing in around me, and I couldn't believe I had just spoken to them. Alan was hurting, that was apparent, but I know he needed to get it out, to hear my side. Eventually they'll know.. They'll know when you know.

I tried to calm myself down, but naturally, I was failing, and making myself all the more miserable being all worked up. At least I know this is all real, these emotions are all real..

"Are you alright in there?" Daddy Carlile knocked and let himself in, my gasping for air stopping me from saying what just happened. "Hannah what's wrong?" He came around and scooped me up into him, allowing me to rest in his frame and fully cry. Warmth came over my body but the crying didn't stop, and I didn't know if I could make it. Right now I was feeling fully broken and that was terrifying me more and more through my already panic & sadness.

My skin started to feel sticky, like it was too tight for my frame, and my heart felt like it was drowning me. I was still gasping for air in Daddy Carlile's arms and  it started to feel like he was too close to me too. "I- I need to go.. I need.." My lungs started to not suck up all the air I knew I needed, and I was still freaking out on my heart.

"You need to go where?" Daddy Carlile asked, pulling away and looking down at me. I couldn't look up at him. I couldn't even make focus on the things within my line of vision now. Everything was beginning to get fuzzy on the edges and in my head I knew what was going to come next. "Hannah?!"

His voice started to sound like a faint echo, that morphed more and more into Austin's voice as the black edges grew around me. My head felt light, my breathing still shallow, and yet I could hear my heart in my ears. "Hannah!"

"H- Hospital.." I mumbled as the blackness took over my sight.


"How long has she been out for?"

"I demand to know something!"

"Well don't you think she's been sleeping long enough? More than enough if you ask me!"

I was hearing this same watery voice over me, and had heard it a few times repeating those same things again and again at different times when my ears and mind would awaken, but my eyes and my muscles refused still. Whomever they were, they were/are very persistent.

Around me, aside from the voice, I would occasionally hear other things going on around me. I TV playing a lot of what I was assuming was Food Network, and what I assume is late night, which is the quietest, I hear a lot of weight loss shows like Biggest Loser, & etc. TV is on ALL the time I think.. And I also tend to hear people mumbling or whispering around me, sometimes beeps of something and I could chart all the shoes I've heard tapping around in here.

I wish my eyes would just open.. I want to come out of this subconscious coma and let everyone know I'm okay and need my phone. I need to go home and get my answers.

"Her eyes are flickering! Is she waking?!" The same voice above me as before, but they sounded like they were leaning into me now.

"Her eyes are always flickering.. She does it in her natural sleep state too.." A sigh, another voice across the room. "Leave her alone." I could smell the person above me and as I went to inhale again the smell was gone. Nothing but the smell of sanitized air in the empty space.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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