Chapter 1: Hi, my name is.

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We pulled up to the house with the damp, SOLD sign in big red letters across it nailed into the yard. The gravel going up the driveway was bumpy and I could hear certain rocks flinging and hitting the bottom of the van. We got into the garage and when I got out it smelt like musty after rain smell. 

It felt good to stretch my legs though so I wasn't complaining exactly. I turned back in the van and grabbed my pillow and my iPod that I had been listening to in the car. "Come on I want to show you two  your rooms so we can start unpacking what's in here while we wait for the moving van!" My grandma jumped from the car and hobbled to the door and unlocked it with her small, shakey hands. I rolled my eyes at her excitement but figured I'd play into it for a little while to make her happy before my bad mood set in.

The door opened silently and she stepped inside, turning her head numerous times to make sure I was coming along behind her with Jeanette in tow. There were dark brown, hard wood floors and white walls, everywhere. It was a very open space that smelt strongly of Pine Sol and wet dog from the rain. There was a winding staircase to the top floor and I smiled as I took initiative and rested my hand gingerly on the railing rod. It was wooden too, like the floors and it felt cool and firm under my hand. 

"There's two rooms upstairs you know." My grandma spoke, smiling from behind me. "Go on, pick yours, Jeanette can have the other." She looked over at Jeanette, who smiled at grandma in shock before looking at me open mouthed and wide eyed. 

"Hannah let's go!" She shrieked and her voice carried throughout the naked house. I bounded after her, a lot more calmer than herself, and ran to the room at the end of the hall. It was spacious, with a walk in closet, my own bathroom, and a wall covered with windows. I smiled as i ran my hands along the plain walls, imagining all the things I could paint and change in this room. 

"This one's mine." I mumbled, inwardly claiming it for myself. I tossed my iPod and pillow on the floor and twirled slowly to look at it one more time. High ceilings, long, cream colored carpeted floors, it was pretty. I sighed, feeling happy for another rare occasion and left my room to help get my things. 

"Did you like the one you picked?" Jeanette asked cheerily as we walked back down the stairs. I let my hand glid on the railing as we went down and I nodded. 


"Yup yup yup. I'm going to paint it all purple!" She exclaimed excitidly. 

We got downstairs and there was still no moving van, so we went ahead to the trunk of our van and took out the little thigns we brought with us. I took out my suitcases with all my clothes and shoes, and I had packed my bed things, sheets, blankets, etc, and my iPod docking station. I made four trips up and down the stairs, small beads of sweat appearing on my brow when I finally placed the last box down on my floor. Whelp, it's now or never. I blew out a gust of air and moved the bedding to the corner till the bed actually got here, then went to unpacking my clothes into the walk-in closet and hanging everything that I wouldn't usually put in drawers. I plugged in my docking station and turned on my iPod, turning up gradually, I'm like a lawyer with the way I can always get you off by, Fall Out Boy. 

------------- 3 HRS LATER ---------------

The moving fan finally arrived and it took forever it felt like to get it all unpacked, downstairs. I sighed when they left, knowing I'd have to carry all my things up, big and small, again and again up the stairs, already made me feel winded. 

"Oh suck it up, you'll have a workout while you unpack is all." Grandma cackled behind a box she and my grandpa were bending over to pick up and carry to their own room downstairs behind the staircase. "You better get started though!" 

I groaned and circled my neck around, feeling out for any beforehand cramps. I rolled my eyes annoyingly and grunted as I tried hauling up a box filled with my picture frames and posters. Believe me, I had a lot for it to become as heavy as it felt. I hauled it upstairs and passed Jeanette who I ignored as she tried to merrily talk to me again. "Go. Do. Work." I grunted as I tossed the box as lightly as I could to the floor with a, thud, and turned to go back down. "Grandma said you have to do your own stuff." 

She waved me away and skipped down the steps two at a time to do.. Something I guess. I sighed, getting frustrated with her already and grabbed more boxes. I couldn't tell you how many freaking times I went up and down those damn steps. Before I opened a single box, when everything finally got up there, I plopped to my cool floor and laid there on my back, looking like I was trying to make a snow angel into the creme colored carpet. 

"Hannah! Do you need your paint?!" Grandpa called up to me and I groaned in agony. "Do you want me to bring it to you then?"

I groaned another time, this one sounding a tad more pleading, and it was then that I heard his steps coming up and to my room. I managed a smile and covered my messy makeup eyes with my hands when he came in. "Blue right?" I stuck my thumb up in the air and he came up next to me and put it next to me. "Enjoy." 

I waved him away and heard his biker boots clomp out of the room and down the hall to Jeanette's. I guess she got paint too. My music was still playing on shuffle and I sighed, not even wanting to work anymore. I moved my hand, smearing more of the damp makeup on my face and sat up, making my back crack. But if it doesn't get done, no one else will do it. 

I hummed along to a softer song, Bubbly, by Colbie Callet, completely out of tune might I add, while I stood on the ladder I once again brought up and painted my walls the bright seafoam blue I had always desired my room to be. I had gotten the basically all windows, window wall, done and the closet wall. I was moving fast for my first coat and was proud of the work everytime I stepped down. 

"Hannah it's almost eight pm. I think you should relax now and get ready for bed. We have to go see about registering you for school tomorrow." I threw my head back, causing my messy bun to fall out. "You and your sister."

"But what about my room? It's not even close to finished yet!" I looked at her with pleading, upset eyes and she pursed her lips at me. 

"You can finish it when we get back. That's why were going there early, so we can get in, get out, and then come home and finish. Grandpa and I aren't even close to being down downstairs either, believe me. I know where you're coming from." 

"I don't want to start a new school though.. Can't I just stay home and be homeschooled online or something?" I went back to painting, but slower now. 

"Nope. I told you, if you try it for a semester and you hate it, you can leave and do online schooling, if not, you stay." She peered up at me through her black rimmed glasses. "Okay?"

"Fine." I grumbled, trying to stay calm and do my breathing excersies that my therapist taught me before we moved. Thank God she gave me her number for emergencies. 

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go talk to Jeanette. Love you, and the rooms looking good." She called out as she left to my sister's room. God dammit Grandma..

((Chapter Uno! [: Sry if its not "up to par" but I write good shit, it'll get good. Promise.!<3))

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