Chapter 8: Duck dynasty.

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"Congrats buddy!" Austin jumped up onto his friend's shoulders and engulfed him in a hug. "Score one for Aaron!" He chanted, throwing his fist in the air and making Aaron spin in circles with him latched on. I smiled fondly at the two of them, reminding me of my friends back home.

In that one moment and though, my heart clinched, making me wish I was back home, living there and finishing off school there with my three best friends that I wish I wasn't living without right now.

I took a deep, calming breath and jumped when I saw Jeanette standing next to me and watching my face. I grabbed my heart and my anger spiked up suddenly, something that happens a lot when I'm scared and caught off guard. Annoyance quickly changed into anger, and my mind and mouth took their own courses, taking for me and thinking mean things for me. Let's just say, It's not a fun experience, for anyone, including me.

"I gotta go Austin, but I'll call you if I can." I muttered, not looking at them anymore, but my angry eyes glued to Jeanette as I followed her lead down to the elevator.

"OK!" He called back, I heard Aaron still laughing in the background as we got in the empty elevator.

--------- HOME. --------

"What the hell was that all for anyways? Were you just upset because you got caught being stupid behind his back, so you tried to even the playing field?!" My lungs were hurting from the sort inhaling I was doing with my breathing as I yelled at my sister the whole car ride home, and in the door. I was following her to the kitchen and swinging open the fridge door as I kept going.

"I mean, come on Jeanette! You'd think you'd finally be somewhat grown up mentally by now, with everything we've done and been through?! You really can't just take a fuckin' chill pill and act your age?!" I reached in and grabbed one of my blueberry Naked juices, slamming the door behind me and pulling myself onto one of the counters.

"Hannah, calm down, I didn't meant to scare you. You act just like dad did when you get all pissed off like this.. I said I was sorry like a million times and you still can't forgive me? He knows it was me and my idea, you were smiling and laughing at me too so why does any of this matter? And what does it have to do with me accidentally scaring you? You just didn't see me come up I didn't intentionally sneak up to embarrass you!" He groaned and rolled her eyes at me, making me not want to even look at her. "Do you like him or something? Is that why you're so mad?" She sighed, her tone much quieter.

"No I don't like him. He's a friend that I barely know, who grandma already doesn't like and who you embarrassed me in front of." I sighed too, trying to calm down after being compared to my father. Anything but that, was I really THAT bad? Maybe I did overreact... What was I even really mad about anyways?

I pushed my hair back from my face and slid off the counter, coming over and wrapping her in a hug, which we don't do often. "Obviously I can't have mad you look that bad if he still gave you his number." She muttered in my chest.

I looked down at my hand and was involuntarily chewing the inside of my cheek. "True. But aside from that, I'm sorry I yelled at you like I just did."

When the anger passed and everything was just tiring and back to normal, we let go of one another and noticed grandma and grandpa were out in the family van. We found a note stuck to the living room TV that read,

Hannah and Jeanette, you two are old enough to be alone in the house. NO FIGHTING AS MUCH FUN AS IT MAY BE! Hannah, if you go out tonight before we get home, (on the off chance you suddenly make friends), make sure to leave a house key with Jeanette, and have dinner already cooked for you two. I don't know when we'll be home tonight, but don't worry, we have no choice but to come back at some point. Keep the house clean, don't delete my DVR stuff, and clean up all your damn dishes! Love you two. -Oldies out.-

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