Chapter 36: The Effects Of Reality.

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The bus came to a stop, and a final one that wasn't stuck in traffic with stop, go, stop and go.. You get the point.

An eerie silence came over the bus, and it felt like we were on Survivor. Time to kick someone else to sea! I looked over where Austin had been sitting earlier and scooted out from the booth, dragging my more than enough for me, heavy feet, to my bunk and started to grab my things.

I heard the lounge door open and close as I was folding away last nights loose clothes, and the warmth of another person was close behind me. Afraid to turn around, I continued to pack, fighting the urge to turn and look.

"All set?" Phil asked quietly as he reached over me and pulled out my suitcase, the only one surprisingly enough, that I'd brought, and set it on the floor at his feet.

I nodded solemnly and etched past him to our tiny bathroom, well, their, tiny bathroom.. And made sure my carry on was all set and I wasn't missing anything. Maybe leaving something and remembering last minute is a reason to come back? I thought sadly enough, as I was staring at my blotchy face in the mirror.

I sniffled and the redness in my cheeks started up, following to my eyes, and when my vision blurred I knew the tears were all going downhill and getting worse from here.

"Han?" I heard Phil again, and was starting to think he was the one who picked the short straw and had to watch me leave. That, or everyone else thought Phil'd be good for a job like this.

"Coming." I croaked, wrapping my dreads that's already dulled in color, in a bun at the top of my head. I sighed and dabbed away some of the tears, getting out of the bathroom that was starting to feel too small, and out to the front.

I opened the silent bus door to the cold air whipping at my face, and stinging my nose. Of course it had to be a cold, windy day.. I held my carry on tighter to me and took the steps one at a time, with Phil, Aaron, Austin, Alan, and Tino, all waiting for me.

I felt the shortness of breath and the tears coming back for round two at the sheer sight of them all.

"Hi." I muttered, and swatted my face for traces of tears. "You're all coming?" I asked, sucking in a blubbering breath and looking at all of them.

Aaron and Alan nodded, everyone had their hands shoved nervously in their pockets, minus Phil, who was still holding my things. "Whenever you're ready." He commented, hoisting my bag from the cement and locking eyes with me. I sighed, quivered, and swatted my tears again before they could run trails down my cheeks.

"Okay..." I nodded stiffly and hopped off the last step of the bus, following along in the group, none wanting to walk too fast to give the impression of excitement to see me leave, and none too slow to make it harder than it already is.

"Flight 23 is now boarding." The lady that sounded all too sweet announced in the loudspeaker. I was flight 26, how much longer I wonder?

We were coming up to the long line of other passengers who were waiting for bag check, and it was the that we stopped and looked at one another in glances. Maybe they'll call it off? It'll all be deemed a mistake?

Phil placed my bag down and walked towards me, making the first bold move to break me.. He gently took my carry on from me, placing it on top of my other things, and now, everyone could tell how badly I was shaking. Shit...

My bottom lip trembled, and nothing but sadness descended over me. The tears were coming down now, without a hand, even a trembling one, to stop them from showing. Fuck...

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