Prologue: My life, in black and white.

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Hannah Grimes.

I said I'd never forget your face, vaulted away inside my head, and memories never seem to fade. You were the best part of my life, my last regret... All Time Low's, Memories That Fade Like Photographs, was blasting into my ears while I looked out the window from the backseat of my grandparents car, watching the rain tap on the window, then screech down slowly. The rain reminded me of myself sometimes, you can try and stick to one place, hold on for your life, but you'll always fail and fall slowly down. I sighed inwardly to myself and chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying not to think about things that were as depressing as that. When I do, i try to stop myself as soon as I catch myself doing it, and take deep breaths and think anything but. 

"Hannah?" My grandma, Lynn, spoke up from the drivers seat. "Hannah?" Her short and plump frame inches from the steering wheel and her speckled natural ginger and greay hair frazzled up every which way alerted me something could be wrong the time I actually heard her urget voice call to me. 

"Yeah?" I straighted in the backseat and pulled one of my white earbuds out. My grandpa was snoring soundly in the passenger seat like a damn bear, and I was grateful I'd kept my hearphones in for as long as I have during this drive to Pensecola, FL. 

"I need you to get my glasses out of my purse, it should be on the floor back there by your sister's feet." 

I looked over at my younger sister, Jeanette, and sighed heavily as I unbuckled and reached over to get her little black purse. "Why couldn't Jeanette have gotten it?" I complained ridiculously as I fished in the purse for her glasses. When I found then I passed them up to her, and she ignored my comment. 

"How much longer?" Jeanette whined next to me, her iPod only having fifteen songs on it and having to hear those on repeat for the last few hours was no doubt driving her crazy. Especially with all the Justin Bieber on it. 

"We'll be there shortly." My grandma called back, hunching once again over the steering wheel. 

I laied back in the seat, not bothering to buckle again, and pushed my headphone back in. The song had changed to Always, by Blink 182 and I smiled. I love this song. I tilted my head back out facing the window and watched the rain again, trying to relax because I had no clue how much longer this car ride was going to be. I let Blink drown out my issues that were yelling at me in my head for awhile and I started thinking about all the horrible people I was finally leaving back home.

Asta La Vista mother fuckers. I thought to myself smirking as I hummed along to Always. Goes to show that sometimes you can get away from all your problems just by driving away. Pensacola here we come. My eyes fluttered close and I drifted off, into my own black and white movie. 

((This is a super super short thing I know, but it's basically just the prologue to get the story started. Please read, follow, comment, vote, enjoy. Read my other Fan Fiction if you'd like, that's way farther along than this one, called, Kiss me again. It's an ATL fan fic. Thanks Guys!))

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