Chapter 27: Welcome To Rise Records.

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I woke up to the feeling of overwhelming warmth covering my chest and side. How did I sleep through this? I rolled over and when I couldn't move all of myself, I looked down and saw Austin's arm draped across me, his hand spread on my pillow top next to my cheek. Jesus, his hand is huge. I blinked through the sleep in my eyes and when my vision cleared I turned my face over to see Austin's sleeping one.

He looked so peacefull it was almost hearbreaking to have to wake him since, even as skinny as he is, I couldn't move him. "Ausin?" I whispered, scared of the nervousness in my own voice. "Carlile?" I tried again a little louder and nudged him with a small roll of my body.

He snorted and licked him lips loosely, not even phased by my nudge. "Austin!" I yelled into his face and he dipped his face down, opening his eyes barely and taking forever to register anything.

"Morning." He grunted and tried to weakly clear his throat as he still laid next/ on me. "How'd you sleep?" He cleared his throat and moved his hand off of me to stretch. I could feel all the cool air rush to my body that had been hiding from air thanks to him, and I sighed contently.

"I'm still asking myself that same question." I cracked my neck and sat up, feeling gross that I'd slept in my clothes that I'd worn all day yesterday, and sweated in during the night. "How about you?"

He smiled lazily and ruffled his messy mop of black hair as he flung the covers off of himself and rolled out of bed in nothing but a pair of white boxers. "Aside from you waking me through the night, I'd say comfortable." He popped his back and turned towards me to see my face red and my hands covering my eyes at the sight of his figure.

"Hannah?" He laughed and swept his hair form his forehead weirdly and stared at me, still grinning so hard he was forming crinkles by his eyes.

I just shook my head, scared I'd just tumble over my words and sound like a fool if I even tried to speak. "I think I'm go...-" I was mumbling and unable to finish my sentence and I tried gaining my composure and jumped out of bed and bounded to the bathroom with my luggage back dragged after me.

I started up the shower and waited for the steam to rise from the top before I felt I could completely relax and sat on the toliet lid calmly. What an Idiot I am, stupid Austin for wearing nothing and cuddling me in my bed. Was he like that last night? Why didn't I notice? Better yet.. Oh God, Aaron. Did HE see?! What could HE have thought? It was nothing! Right, nothing? Oh God, and Tino too!? All these things were running in and out of my mind as the water continued to run next to me.

"Hey, uh, Hannah?" He sounded nervous and for some reason all his emotions could in an instant, rub off on me and make me a thousand times worse feeling, with ANY emotion, than him.


"I'm going next door to see where everyone else is, I'll come back in a few. Okay?"

"Kay!" I called back and when I heard the door close I stood and locked the bathroom door. I dropped each article of clothing one at a time on the floor, loving the feeling of my dirt filled clothes dropping off me. I ducked under the water streaming down and adjusted the water as my skin turned pink and then red under the heat, and started scrubbing.

Let this be a good day, PLEASE let this be a good day. I thought as I shampooed my hair longingly and tried to fight off the weird feeling I was getting in my gut.

*Hours Later, @ Rise Records Headquaters.*

"Hi, welcome to Rise Records, how can I help you today?" A beautifully intimidating woman with long, dark purple-ish black locks asked from behind the front desk as we walked in and instantly started looking around.

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