Chapter 14: High school, is JUST as petty as the movies.

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The bell rang me back to reality and on my feet to get to my car before I went to lunch with my, becoming usual, group. I sauntered out through the halls and students to the parking lot and past campus security after the longest explanation ever, and took my backpack out of my car. I took a few extra minutes for myself to rummage around and look for some money for ANYTHING to eat, my stomach felt like it was going to eat itself.

I ended up finding $2.45 in the glove box and settled on that.

I made my way back to the cafeteria, but on the way found a snack machine and decided to just buy a snack stack of Pringles. I smiled at the sound of the lid popping off and opening up to the smell of them, all heavenly and staked perfectly, just for me to enjoy. I was all smiles walking outside to the group and taking my spot in the shade on the grass.

I felt all eyes on me as I popped the first chip in my mouth and crunched down on it, eyes closed and savoring the flavor. When was the last time I actually ate Pringles? I couldn't remember and when I opened my eyes they were either staring hardcore, or snickering at me. "What?"

"Orgasm-ing  over there?" Haylee joked with her blonde hair braided down her back. The guys snickered and I smiled in good fun.

"I could, I haven't had Pringles in forever." I giggled too, eating another and smiling at them all.

"Someone's in a good mood." Caleb observed, trying to indicate it was because of him. I waved him off but now they were all interested.

"So the rumor's true." Haylee observed, Tsk-ing, at me and shaking her head with a Cheshire cat gleam in her eyes.

"What rumor?"

"The one about you and Austin. No one can ever be THAT happy because of some Pringles." She smirked and I gulped, my heart race picking up so fast I thought everyone else might be able to hear it.

"W- what?" What rumor?! I already have rumors around the school, about me? People don't even know me! "What rumor? I didn't even know the whole school knew I existed."

"Not everyone does, but the people to matter know who you are, and that you hung out with Carlile. You just let us know though that it's true, that's why you're so happy."

"Austin and I hung out? You mean when I was leaving his place and I ended up in the hospital?" I was getting frustrated. Their jaws dropped and there was no joking air between us anymore. "Yeah.. I went to hang out with him and Alan," I nodded in his direction and Alan was listening to loud music in his ears, completely oblivious to us. "He left and I was leaving too when I hurt myself and long story short while I was in the hospital Austin was skipping classes to stay with me because he felt responsible. So is that hanging out to you?" I snapped, using air quotes around., hanging out. They were all tense and my face was so full of anger I was sure I would show my true colors right now.

"I- I'm sorry." Haylee eventually apologized, her voice soft and sensitive.

"Yeah, well next time a rumor tries getting around about me, how about just asking me.. Or better yet, if you call me a friend, then just stand up for me." I closed up my Pringles and tossed them in my bag, thinking awful things upon them and getting up angrily. I turned on my heel and walked away, wanting to sit anywhere but there. It's only been ten minutes Hannah, where are you going to go for the rest of lunch?

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