Chapter 18: Pity Bed & Breakfast

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Turn off, please just die already. I rolled over and the horn blared, jutting me awake and upright with an awful back cramp in my front seat. I looked around, confused, until all of yesterday came rolling back and hitting me like a tidal wave. My hair was in frizzy tufts around my head, and the annoying sound that I wish would die was my phone going off. "Why? It's Saturday." I whined, picking it up and crawling over the seats to the back ones and laying down with my jacket that I used as a blanket to curl up with.

I looked at my phone and there were missed texts and calls from a lot of people. Most of the missed calls were from the house, or Grandma, but I deleted them, and scrolled till I saw I got a missed call from Austin. Austin called? I dialed back and put him on speaker, getting comfy in my seat.

"Hello?" His voice was urgent and he sounded like he was muffling the phone.

"Are you OK?" I questioned with a smirk on my face as I pictured his eyes all big and nervous, for whatever the reason.


"Yeah?" I sat up a little and readjusted my position. "What's up?"

"Where are you? Your grandma called me, blubbering.. Like literally running on words and blubbering about you leaving. What happened?"

I sighed and collected my story thoughts before I spoke, and in the short silence, I could hear Austin's breathing in the phone, ready to catch onto every word. "We got into a huge fight, and bottom line is, I snuck out and left. I'm in a construction parking lot for a new neighborhood and I'm in my car." I actually thought about where I was, I sat up, looked around, and saw some of the workers had gotten here and actually were working now. Did they even notice I was here?

"You're sleeping out of your car?" He sounded appalled and I rolled my eyes, knowing full well he couldn't see me. That was one of his pet peeves I've come to notice. "Why didn't you call me!"

I snickered and my mouth was wide open. "What? Why didn't I call you? I don't know, because I thought I could afford a hotel for a night, but my grandma decided to cancel my card, and so I drove around until I was too tired. I'm sorry the thought of calling you late at night to ask for a pity bed didn't cross my mind Austin." I started going through my bag and found one of my round brushes, brushing my frizzy hair out and putting it in a tight Ballerina bun at the top of my head.

"Just come over, please. You can sleep in the guest room we have and stay however long you think you'll need." He sounded worried, but I was sick of being looked at as a kid. I'm eighteen for everyone's sake, I am a legal adult. I pondered it, and packed up my jacket and everything I'd used last night, tossed it in my trunk, and finally spoke up.

"Fine, but you can't tell my grandma."

"Not until I hear the whole story." He agreed, and after a few more, "you better show up" and, "don't keep thinking of the word pity," we hung up and I started the car after crawling back to the driver's seat, and drove to Austin's.. Not sure if I should be weirded out, or grateful.. Shows how fucked up my thinking works.

------------- AUSTIN'S HOUSE. --------------

I pulled into his driveway, behind the car I was familiar with from the last time I was here, just to be safe, and made my way up to his door. I knocked and shuffled from foot to foot, more worried about how badly I smelt from not showering last night and sleeping in my car, rather than having to tell him the story.

The door swung open, a little dog barking at Austin's heels as he answered with a cheeky smile. What have I walked into? I smiled back, shyly of course, and let his open arm guide me in. "You made it."

"What? Did you think I was going to stand you up?" I joked, nudging his ribs and getting a chortle out of him.

"So, this is the whole place, I think you only saw the game room last time you were here." That's when the tour of the Carlile house went into full effect and I even wet ahead and met his dad, who reassured me that he was filled in on everything Austin knew, and agreed I should stay with them. These people are crazy! I did feel warm inside though, like I really am welcome for as long as I needed.

We reached the guest room and it was simple, yet a large space for a guest room. "Are you sure this wasn't meant to be another master bedroom?" I asked, looking at the big sized bed that was in the center of the room, facing the closet that was across from it.

Austin chuckled and nodded. "It's a guest room. Let's just say.. My grandparents, when they come to visit and stay, are very picky people."

I nodded and Ahhh'd, completely getting it. I looked around the room as Austin explained it was clean and hasn't been slept in for a few weeks since his, 'Boy's Weekend,' and that the closet was empty, and that I could feel free to use the only bathroom that was down the hall, separating his room from mine, as if it were my own and that I could put all my toiletries in there.

"Thanks." My face blushed as he showed me the bathroom and then to his room, saying to feel free to come in and have a heart to heart whenever needed.

"So.." He trailed off, sitting on the edge of his bed and patting a spot next to him to sit. I knew this meant the talk was coming, and I was still dreading it, because last time I opened up to him, he got upset himself, and left. We still never talked about that, but I didn't know how to bring it up to him just yet.

"Well..." I took a deep breath, and plunged in.

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