Chaper 4: Anxiety Get's The Best Of Us All.

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I was happy when homeroom ended and we were able to go to first period, but it sucked because it was math and I was not excited for it. I waited until most of the students in homeroom ran out, since I was in no rush to walk next door. When the classroom was basically cleared out, I tossed my backpack back on my shoulder and weaved through the empty desks and next door.

Turns out, maybe I should've left early as I could because the desks were pretty full. I was grateful though that there was a desk open at the back of the room in the far corner, and when I lied and assured the teacher I could see from there, I was told that was my assigned seat. Score two for Ravenclaw! I smiled to myself when I sat down and left my backpack on my desk. I scanned the room for Austin, but he was a no show. I thought he said we had this class together?

I shrugged mentally at myself and opened my backpack for my spiral and pencil for the notes Mr. Bernard was writing on the board. I got bored pretty quickly though, we'd already covered this and tested on this at my old school, so I started doodling on the corners of my pages for entertainment.

"Ah, Mr. Carlile, you've decided to join us I see." Mr. Bernard's voice changed from friendly to condescending and I looked up at whom he was talking to. Austin was standing in he doorway, a smirk on his lips as he nodded past the teacher and took a seat in the middle of the room. Some ginger hair kid behind him patted on his shoulder, silently laughter going on between the two. He has friends? I thought crazily enough before redirecting my attention to my drawings again.

------------ LAST FIFTEEN MINUTES OF CLASS -------------

When I thought we were all done learning, and we'd all packed our things, Mr. Bernard basically shot me in the stomach with what he did next. "Class, some of you may have seen at the beginning of the period but for those of you who didn't, or came in late, this is Hannah, our new student." He pointed to the back at me and every chair swiveled around to look at me. I felt like a prized pig at the fair and my hands started to instantly get clammy.

"It's um, S- Sam sir." I corrected with my shaky voice.

"My wronging I'm sorry. This is Sam students." He tried smiling reassuringly at me and people continued to stare. I nodded hello to everyone and went back to my doodling, but I still felt the stares of lots of the other people. I saw the ginger kid looking at me confusingly and Austin staring at me with his mouth open like he was frozen. My heart picked up and my nerves started to get the best of me. My head started spinning with all the things that were happening and all these scary, negative thoughts filled my head suddenly and I slammed my spiral closed and shoved it in my backpack when the bell rang and echoed in my ears.

"Hannah?" I heard a familiar voice in my cloudy vision and pushed my way out of the room and to the stairwell. I sat on the first step I touched and crammed my head between my knees, trying to take deep breaths and blink back my cloudy, teary eyes vision. "Hannah, hey are you OK?" I heard that voice again and felt someone sit next to me.

"I- I'll be fine, just give me a minute." I shuttered a breath and when my eyesight got better and raised my head slowly, still trying to do my deep breathing my therapist had reminded me countless times to do.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tried smiling but failed, it turned into a grimace. I looked over and sure enough, the familiar voice was Austin who was leaned over with concerned brown eyes. "This happens.. a lot." He nodded in understanding and I hadn't realized he was rubbing my back until I turned because I thought his arm was another person. Woops.

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