Chapter 13: "Love me!"

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"Hannah! Wake up!" A high pitched, girl's voice yelled over me again and again, shaking me back and forth from my dream. What the fuck? I rolled over, hoping to get away from the horrible girl, when the rolling of my body from being pushed back and forth, got worse and more aggressive. Please, Jesus strike the little Pixie down with lightning. I begged as the fuzzy image of one of the Suicide Models faded from my vision, and from my bed. Is this karma for having a lesbian dream? I sighed and my eyes cracked open, revealing a sliver of sunlight and the rolling became gentler when I moved my hands to rub my eyes. "Are you awake yet?" I turned my head over and my sight adjusted to Jeanette leaning over me with a stern face.

"Austin?" His shape blurred away and I knew Jeanette was real.


"No one." I snapped tiredly "What time is it?" I grumbled, reaching my hand out and poking he nose with sloppy force.


"In the morning?!" I snapped, throwing off the blankets and jumping out of bed. "Why didn't my alarm go off?" My voice cracked and Jeanette was clicking her teeth at me.

"Not my job, I just thought you should know you're late."

I nodded and ran to start up the shower when it dawned on me, why isn't Jeanette in school? "Why are you here?"

"I'm skipping today, grandma thinks I'm sick." She fake coughed and crossed her petite arms over her chest. "So get up and get ready." She turned and waltzed out, leaving me tired and confused.

I jumped in the shower, bundled my hair up in a sloppy bun, and tossed on some foundation, eyebrows filled, and mascara. I couldn't tell if I was sweating, or the water from the shower was just dripping from my bun. I threw on a grey Sublime three finger widened sleeve tank top, wearing a maroon bandeau underneath, and hopped into my faded skinny jeans. "Jesus Christ why today?" I mumbled angrily to myself as I chucked on my studded black and silver sandals and ran from my room without bothering to check anything.

"I'm leaving!" I called out to whoever was still home and raced out the door without grabbing money for lunch or making sure I had everything. I didn't even get my bagel for breakfast! I threw my backpack in the passenger seat and sped out of the driveway to school.

------- THIRTY MINUTES LATER. -------

I parked at the back of the student parking lot at one of the first, empty spots I saw and ran to the building with so much intensity on my face, I think that's why the teachers that were in the hallway were just frozen in their tracks and staring at me. There were no students in the hallway and I knew all the signs were pointed to me being late, but I hadn't looked at a clock since I got in the car, so I had no clue how late I actually was.

I ran to my homeroom, peeked in, and when I didn't recognize anyone in it I ran to my first period. I threw open the door this time, not thinking that I could possibly be later than that, and stomped in. "I'm here! I'm so sorry I'm late!" I yelled, brushing the loose strands that had fallen from my bun from my dampned face.

I heard chuckles and quieter sinckering from the body of students who were probably getting secondhand embarrassment from my weirdness. I looked over at the teacher, my teacher, who was at the board writing out an assignment and giving me a look of bewilderment. "Miss Grimes? Care to tell me why you've charged into my class and made it chaotic?"

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