Chapter 25: Wendy Fly Away With Me!

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"Hannah! Hannah! Hannah! Hannah, Shalanna, Manna, Nanna, Fanna, Hannah!" Austin was hollering in my face as he shook me to full consciousness. There was no sun shining in through my curtains, which happened every morning, so I knew he'd gone mad. "Hannah wake up! Today's the day!" He was so hyper and his deep, raspy, squawking tone of voice was killing me this early.

"What time is it?" I grumbled and rolled over, burying my face between two pillows and willing him to go away.

"FIVE AM! TIME TO PEE, DRESS, AND LEAVE FOR THE AIRPORT!" He continued to shake me, and then my bedroom light came on, and then the worst of it all, jumping all around me on my bed.

"Austin stop!" I dreamily whined.

"How about Alan instead?" He sniggered and then suddenly a harsher, heavier jump. Who the fu-? I rolled over onto my back and looked up after punching out my own eyes with my fists as I rubbed the sleep out of them, and saw Austin AND Alan jumping on my bed. Fuckers..

"Why do we have to leave now?" I demanded, and Austin plopped on the bed next to me, causing it to make a cracking noise like it was going to bust out from under us any minute.

"Because we're picking everyone up in the rental van and it'll be here any minute. So lets go!" He urged and Alan jumped off the bed, running around the house to cause more mayhem I'm sure.

It's as if the past two days have just blown away, and yet I can still remember the horrible conversation I had with Grandma. All I wanted to do now was go to Oregon and get my mind off of everything, and hope for the best with the band and the record label. The guys have been working so hard, so I KNOW, like a lot of other people, that they deserve this big break, and we're all hoping it all works out.

"Hannah you have ten minutes!" Mr. Carlile called from somewhere distant in the house, and I could smell the strong sugary aroma of pancakes and fattening butter, calling to my stomach. I blinked a few times, rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and with Austin's good graces, was pulled up from the floor after rolling out of bed.

*Ten Minutes Later.*

We were all packed into the van, all the guys, and the sky was finally turning pink and adding some brighter orange and yellow in the clouds. I was immersed in the smell of boys morning breath, overuse of cologne, and something I NEVER thought I'd say, the overuse of Old Spice deodorant.

I was crammed into the middle seat between Aaron and Alan and both boys were yelling at the others, sitting around the car and reaching over seats to smack and pick on each other. Oh good Lord...

Eventually we made it to the airport and it was like a stampede of raging wild-a-beasts jumping from the car and running through everyone till we got to the terminal.

"Phil! Where are you going?!" Austin called as Phil was sprinting toward the bathroom.

"BREAKFAST IS CATCHING UP WITH ME!" His hair was blowing behind him as he turned the corner and darted into the bathroom.

Everyone laughed, I rolled my eyes, and looked at all the guys. "Anyone else? Last call till take off."

Within minutes I was left alone, not even with daddy Carlile, because it seemed none of those boys could hold in their liquids, or worse yet, their foods.

Thanks to their bathroom girl gossip, and coming out and rethinking and going back in in twos, we almost missed our flight.

Luckily enough though, we didn't and we all tumbled in last minute, and of course getting stares from everyone else that looked like try had a log shoved up their asses.

We sat spaced out, and of course we, as a group, were walking when we were air born and moving from seat to seat to mix it up. When Austin plopped next to me he got comfortable and stretched out onto me.

"How's it goin'?" He said in a stretching voice.

"I'm trying not to focus on the air turbulence that I can feel pushing against us." I stated coldly and took a deep breath.

"Are you going to be OK?" He asked and sat up a little, patted my hand with his and stole my attention with his eyes. It was still so crazy to me that he could change his demeanor like that so quickly.

"Yeah." I tried smacking my lips and waving him off, but he would have none of it.

"Liar." He smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

"So?" I countered, trying to just relax and get him to relax over me too. "I'm fine, I'll be fine."

"Uhuh, you got this." There goes his demeanor changing again. "Wendy just fly with me!" He playfully begged.

I giggled and whipped my hair from my face. "One, Wendy physically flew, not on a plane. Two, Wendy wasn't scared to fly. Three, she had a choice, and four, I can't be Wendy because then you'd have to be Peter, and I don't think you should ever wear tights." He smiled and he rolled his eyes at me.

"You know, I was just trying to make an analogy that you'd know, but of course little miss Smarty Pants over here HAD to overanalyze it." We laughed and then got into a discussion about how small his pants were and if he could, in fact, wear tights and or legging like Peter Pan.

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