Chapter 3: The first day of school.. How generic.

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My alarm was shrinking in my ear annoyingly, making me groan and throw my blankets farther over me to try and drown out the sound. It was a feeble attempt but it was better than nothing. I fluttered my eyes open under the dark blankets and tried to adjust my sight. Ugh, I fucking hate alarms. I rubbed my face, trying to wake it up quicker and grunted as I finally threw all the blankets off me. The first day of the last day of my life. I switched up the original saying and rolled out of bed, my feet hitting the floor with a light thud. I trudged to my bathroom, unbraided my hair and sprayed it with some Aussie hairspray and went on to my makeup.

I finished and had enough time to leisurely pick out what I was going to wear today. "First impressions are everything." Ann had told me once, after I confessed to my nerves about moving and finishing at a new school. I was constantly thinking about her and wishing she cold live here with me, I wouldn't mind sharing a room with her and getting to go to school with her everyday. Then, things might feel a little better, a little less jumpy.

Anyways, I ended up picking out some washed out, holey skinnies and a loose fitted, off the shoulder black shirt with a galaxy peace sign on the front, and my black Toms. I swooped up my backpack from the floor and came downstairs to no one being in the kitchen. Did they leave me? I snapped my head back and forth, still seeing no one. I looked at the clock on the oven and it read, 8:15. Oh God, am I late?! But school doesn't start till 9:15! I pulled out a chair at the table and put my backpack down on the table. My stomach growled so while I was contemplating my confusion I got up to make myself some cereal.

On the fridge, hung a note with my grandmother's scribbled handwriting on the front. I pulled it off and continued to get the milk out. As I was pouring my milk into my happy, full bowl of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, I read the note.

Hannah, have a good day at school, we'll see you when you get home. Don't get into fights, don't be afraid to ask for directions, and try making some friends. I know this is hard for you, but it could be a fun experience. I love you and I left for work this morning at 7:00 sharp. Jeanette's school starts at 8:00 so I had grandpa take her after I left. Your grandtather is out doing errands for me today in the other car, and I have the van. Your ride should be outside at exactly 8:40, don't be late. HAVE A GOOD DAY! LUNCH MONEY IS TAPED TO THE BACK OF THIS! xoxo- your hip hot grandma.

I smiled at her signature and flipped over the note, sure enough, there was ten bucks taped to the back. I put the milk away and slid the ten in my pocket. I ate silently at the table and now my mind was filled with ideas on who my grandmother could already know that would be giving me a ride to school. I seriously knew no one around here, so what's going on?

I looked at the clock when I finished wolfing down my bowl and put it in the sink. The clock read in green lights, 8:35. I sighed and thought I better get out there for my ride early, first impressions are everything. I grabbed my backpack and when I went outside I locked the door behind me with the house key that was left in the lock for me and set the alarm.

Going down to the end of the driveway, I saw my car.. My car! I beamed and ran over to it, I reached under to feel the top of my front tire, where I used to usually hide my key, and sure enough it was there. A note was attached and as I unlocked the door and was throwing my backpack in I was reading it.

Hannah Banana! You found out who your ride is? It's Matty! We wanted to surprise you and have it out here for you, so maybe listening to some of your screaming music on the way to school might make you a little happier. Let us know if anything got damaged on the ride here, we'll sue! Just joking, but we'll get it fixed. We love you, have a good day, again. -Grandma, Grandpa, Jeanette.

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