Chapter 47: My Cell Phone

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I was sitting here, holding my cellphone, that was still in service, still working, and still being used.. By Grandma? This whole time instead of getting rid of it, she held onto it, hid it, under her bed.. But why? I gulped, knowing secrets were hiding in my phone, hopefully the voicemails Austin had been leaving will tell me, and I can look at the texts. Something isn't right.. He gave up on me, right? Like the rest of them.. They all followed him and left me.

So why was he trying to call me? He knows I don't have my phone anymore, so I don't get it.

It was then that the slamming of a car door made me jump, and the clatter of the garage door closing made my heart spike. I stood and dropped the phone with a hectic clatter as I made my way back to the living room as quickly as possible. I turned, snatched it up, pressing down the End button until the phone turned off, and shoved it in my tight pockets, continuing to run to the couch.

As I entered the living room, Jeanette was helping Grandma bring brown bags of groceries into the house. She placed the two she was carrying and looked over at me, smiling and calling out to come help. I cleaned up my Gelato mess, turned off the TV, and made sure the phone bulge was safely covered by my shirt as I made my way out there to help.

"Hey Grams." I muffled as I reached over next to her to grab a bag from the trunk.

"Well hey there." She smiled and I followed her in the house, and back out again for more. "I'm surprised you weren't hidden away in your room."

I shrugged, placing the last of the groceries with Jeanette on the counter. I didn't know if I should mention to her that whilst home alone, I'd gotten ahold of my phone again and thought she had some explaining to do, or if I should just play it off like the same lonely kid (along with my many other issues).

"I was too busy stuffing my face with icecream, and brain washing myself with strange TV." I smirked and started to help unload the things into the kitchen, when silence came all around me and stopped me. I turned and Grandma was standing there behind me, a bag in her arms, looking at me like I was a rare species of Elk.

What'd I do? "Um, hello?" I waved my and slowly in front of her, Jeanette going to her side and poking her as well. "Are you alive in there?"

She swatted Jeanette away and dropped down her bag, hands on her hips as she stood irect and looked me in the eye. "You were.. Out?"

"Out?" I leaned against the counter and folded my arms under my chest. "If you mean out of my room for more than five minutes, then yeah, I've been out." I felt the phone shift in it's hiding position and my thoughts collected back to my brewing ideas.

"Well that's great Hannah!" Grams was smiling and came over, embracing me tightly with a grin smothered on her freckled face. I involuntarily cringed at the dwelling thoughts that she'd feel the phone bulge in my pants. "Did you actually enjoy yourself?" She asked happily, making all panicked thoughts leave. We then released and I nodded, clamming up and hoping that by my coming out for awhile, she'd leave me alone till dinner.

Jeanette had dissappeared in the midst of our hugging, and wordlessly, Grams went back to unloading the different bags to their designated spots in the kitchen. I took this as a sign of relief and permission to excuse myself, so, with phone tucked away, I made myself scarce and crept up the stairs, being extra careful and quiet with my package.

I got to my room quietly and after closing the door (making sure Grandma heard), and almost silently, locking it, I took place on foor on the side of my bed, using it as a back rest, and a bit of a fort away from the door. Who knows how long I'l have. I chided myself as I took off my pants and shook, dug, and tried to rip the phone out of the tight pocket I had shoved it in just minutes ago.

Eventually the phone flung out with a klunk, on the floor, and I tossed my jeans to the side, giving up on them with all my frustrations and focusing on the cell phone. My cell phone.. Damn, that's weird to say again..

I turned it on and as soon as the phone did it's turning on routine, more missed calls were catching up to my notifications, almost all of them from the same number again and again. The guys, MY guys... My lovely, wonderful, beautiful, enchanting, ridiculous guys. My heart hammered again, and my fingers felt like they were being scorched with fire with every click and touch I did, checking notifications off the screen.

I could hear Grandma down stairs, still putting things away, and across the hall, Jeanette was listening to Nirvana, probably doing other childish, girlie things too, so I knew for now I was safe. I finally finished clicking away the notifications, and started scrolling through my missed calls. All of them, or most at least, were from either school, Daddy Carlile, or any one of the guys' phones.

It was then that it dawned on me.. Voicemails. I wondered if the phone hasn't been changed or altered, if Grams had kept my phone on the plan so it could still be used to make and recieve calls. I went back to the home screen, a hot flash rising around me asI pressed one and hit call, my voicemail pausing, and then ringing against my ear.

I sat a little more ridged and stayed in tune to everything going on around the house, making sure I have the time to listen to these ffteen, wait FIFTEEN voicemails..?! I started knawing on my top lip, pressing the numbers on the screen as the automated voice told me to. My fingers felt frozen around the phone as the first number was read out and the first voicemail sounded.

Hey Han, it's Austin.. Just called to see if you got home OK. Let me know how things are and when you're all settled in. Hope you're not mad, I- We, already miss you, I'll see you soon I hope. Bye.

A chill overlapped my spine and I clicked save, going on to the next, and then the next. Each message was Austin, or Phil, the guys leaving messages in twos, asking what was new, why I haven't called or texted, talked about school or therapy or anything. The farther along the fifteen I got, the sader they'd get, the less talkative they'd get. Soon the questions totally stopped, and Austin was the only one calling, sounding sad, but now when he called he wasn't leaving messages for me.. They were for Grandma.

Message thirteen, from phone number; 310-699-0471.

Hey, Lynn, I was don't want to keep calling and pressure you, but I'm really worried about Hannah. I know you said stop calling.. But, she needs us, and I just have a feeling therapy isn't working and that's why she's not calling anyone back. I just don't understand. There were sobs on the phone and my heart felt like it was breaking in two. I hadn't realized I was holding my hand to my chest until a loud thud downstairs made me jump.

I heard Grandma moving around, turning off the TV, and walk to the bottom of the stairs. "Hannah! Jeanette! Come downstairs for dinner! I have a surprise for you two!"

I could hear Jeanette coming downstairs and I knew it wouldn't be long before Grandma came up stairs and came in to look for me. I hurried and deleted the sad message, not wanting a trace of Austin's tears left on my phone. I turned it back off, and tucked the phone away between the mattress and bed spring, and followed in Jeanette's trail downstairs.

Jeanette was standing in the dining room doorway, holding the white wall for support and staring off into the space we have yet to use for dinners. I came up from behind her, making her turn and stare at me with a look of astonishment in her eyes. "What?"

I came from around her and looked in on our 'surprise' and there, sitting on one of the wooden chairs, was Grandpa. "Hey girls! Thanks for having me over."

My jaw dropped, and across the table, Grandmas faking a smile at him, but looking at us, more so me, she's creating a real one. "Surprise." She murmured.

 ((I know, I'm a shitty person for not updating for like, a month, but I promise I'm going to try harder between school and work to atleast get to the end of this story. Thanks for all the comments, reads, & support you guys! & If you have any band requests that you want me to write/create a story about, feel free to let me know or comment below!))

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