Chapter 6: Homework and fan-fictions.

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School was a bust for most of the day, I skipped a class on my first day, had an awkward lunch, didn't talk in any of my classes, and I had held the map upside down basically all day, and would have found myself in some secret tunnel to the underworld if I had actually used my map, and hadn't found people who pity me enough to show me around. 

When I made my way to my car after fifth period ended, I was nothing but grateful. I was baked in crusted sweat from P.E, and was tired from sitting in a Chemisty class, listening about things that I knew would never help me in my field of perfession that I had planned in life.

"Alright Matty, time to head homebound." I heaved as I unocked the doors and tossed my things into the passenger seat and climbed in. I started him up and the plugged my iPod back up, turning it to, Katy Perry, California Girls. I needed something cheery to pick up my mood, and gorgeous Katy could do it. I pulled out of the tiny space and after double checking that there were no students of whom I could hit, I sped out of the lot and straight home, ready to finish my homework and hit the hay already.

----------- BACK HOME. ------------

I pulled into the driveway and parked next to my grandpa's POS car. I could hear yelling inside the house and my eyes were constantly rolling at all the stupid things they could be arguing about that was popping up in my head.

"Hello, I'm home!" I called when my foot went through the door. The house was chaotic and there were only the four of us living at home, not to mention the house was big enough where we shouldn't always be running into one another. Grandma was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading on her Kindle, and grandpa was yelling at Jeanette for not putting her dishes in the dishwasher. Good to be home. 

"Hannah bear!" Grandma cheered from her chair, calling me over there to talk about my day. I tossed my back at the foot of the stairs to bring up when I was done talking to her, and went into the living room and sat across from her. "How was school?"

"It was alright, the people there weren't so bad, but you might get a call sometime in the future if you haven't already."

"For what?" She asked, putting her Kindle to the side.

"I skipped a period today because I was late."

"You were late, so you skipped?" She asked slower.

"Yeah, I didn't want all the attention on me when I ran in there late, and I didn't want to have to introduce myself to the class. It's just... Overwhelming." I took a deep breath and she nodded, thinking to herself now.

"Well if you get in trouble at school for it just know I'm not bailing you out." 

I nodded and we kind of just looked at each other in silence for awhile before I spoke up again. "I skipped with a guy."


"A guy, his name's Austin. He's really nice grandma, you'd like him." I leaned back in the couch and couldn't help but smile at the snowcone memory of just today.

"So he's the influence?"

"Maybe today he talked me into it, but I wanted to origionally." 

"I see." 

There was more staring until she finally picked up her Kindle and started reading it again, silently dismissing me, but I guess she didn't like the fact that I'd skipped, and she was showing it. Alrighty then, I'll go Tweet about it. I got up and went to get my backpack, walking by Jeanette along the way who made a gross face.

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