Chapter 46: The Big "P" to Loose The Big "V"

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Prom... What a dumb event for schools to have made up for a plethera of seventeen to nineteen year olds to hangout and grind all over each other. We're taught Sex Ed in school, but for what really? by the time we actually have all taken it, we've all been sexually active and have experienced what ever it is our old teacher is talking to us about. I personally think Sex Ed classes are just a secret way to prepare the Virgins for prom. I mean, come on, we ALL know what prom means to the guys that go. Sex before, sex in the limo (or whatever you come in), sex in the bathroom, sex driving back, and sex when you get to where you're going. Sex is the word to describe Prom, because, as we all know, those who haven't lost their virginity, are going to.

I think, just this once, I'd like to be one of those people. Only because I can say that I CHOSE to give it away, not have it forced from between my legs in a freezer. To be a virgin again, who woulda thought any one would wish that upon themselves..

Now that's all anyone was talking about at school. Prom was the new news, the Holy Grail, the big ending besides actual Graduation itself. Everyone was excited, hanging up posters, giggling about it in class, making announcements. Especially during lunch, there were some guys making big scenes about asking their significant others to Prom. Then here I was, well, am, sitting in the grass under the tree, with my same group of lunch friends, who see me totally differently.

"I hope my boyfriend can come." Haylee mumbled next to me, forking at her rather dry looking salad. "He might not get to if they add the age restriction again this year."

"How old is he?" I turned away from the zoo of kids scattered across the lawn and reverted to attentive friend.

"He'll be twenty-one in a month. They don't let other graduates come if their twenty-one and up, because they could legally buy alcohol." She explained nervously.

"Well, Prom is only two weeks away.. He should be good to go, right?" I wrapped my hair around and clipped it at the back of my head with a claw clip.

"I guess. You just never know with this school.." She sighed and finally took a stab at her dry salad, the crunching noise it made made me cringe.

"Are you going to go?" She asked eventually, having had silence lapse over us again to eat beforehand.

"To Prom?"

She nodded.

Now it was my turn to shrug in answer. "Everyone keeps telling me I should go, since it's senior year and blah blah... But I don't know if I want to. It's not like I'll have a date. Not to mention I don't know many people at this school, so even if I went single, I wouldn't have many people to hangout with to hold my attention." The negatives were adding up in my head, and so I stopped talking, gratefully letting the silence back in.

"I think you should go." She spoke with her mouth full, smiling as she tried swallowing and speaking. "I'll be there, and if I go stag, we can just be each other's dates."

"IF you go solo." I re commented.

She nodded, tucking hair behind her ear and looking at our zoo of classmates like I had been. "I just can't believe it's all almost over."

Now that, I definitely could nod in agreement too.


Lunch ended with more Prom questions, people asking others, couples making out on the lawn.. It seemed like my graduating class was happier than most days. Who knew a dress up party could do that to kids who we're suppose to be acting like grown members of society.

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