Chapter 3

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I watch out the window as we pull up to the restaurant. I hop out of the truck as it comes to a screeching stop and run in. I get the restaurant ready before it opens and clean up the kitchen.

-45 mins later-

The door opens and customers poor in.

"This is gonna be a long day...." I sigh to myself. I walk up to the first table.

"Hello, I'm M and I'll be your waitress today," I say enthusiastically. "Can I start you off with some drinks?" I ask grabbing the notepad and pen from my apron.

"Water for me," the woman answered. I quickly scribble it down in the small notepad.

"And for you sir?" I ask the man.

"Coffee please," he says in a raspy voice.

"Ok, I'll be back with your drinks in a little bit," I say and walk away. As I fill up the cups, I start to hum the song on the radio.i eventually start to quietly sing to myself. "So make the best if this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time," I quietly sing as I walk out and bring the two people that just ordered their drinks. "It's something unpredictable but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life," I sang quietly as I set down the drinks. My singing is interrupted by the raspy voice.

"You like green dau?" He asked.

"Yeah they're my favor......" I stopped half way through my sentence when I looked up and saw Mike, the bass player for green day, starring at me.

What ya think? Please tell me :) I know it's kinda shirt but I'm tired so.... Yeah.

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