Chapter 1

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It was morning, but the sun was not up at this time. The Roosters have not even woken up to crow as an alarm, the parrots have not even started to fly this early. Everyone at this town was asleep, resting for the day in stored for them. All except for one man, he was awake, getting ready to work. Getting ready for the hard days work ahead of him. He stood tall, with brown eyes. With a bowl haircut, his muscles ache. Yesterday's work had made him tired, physically but not mentally. He went to the shed and grabbed a hoe. He started to stretch, then waited. He started to think about everything that has happened three years ago.
It has all started in 1510 in the Island of Boriken or Puerto Rico how the Spanish called it, it was the death of Agueybana, one of the greatest Caciques ( Chief ) in Boriken during the time, like the story of el Coqui which we call our Sapos ( frogs) today in honor for him. I during the time of his death was fourteen moons, a young one turning into a man to follow orders. We the Tainos have started to rebel against the Spanish. I was captured but was taught by the Guami'ken or the Spanish lord. In his native tongue to communicate with my Ara or people for trade but only in search of gold and glory. My name is Zaccheaus, I was born to protect my yucayeque, my village. Not all of my bloodline is Taino, my distant relative is a mezcla,(mix) mix of us and them. I currently live with a Guami'ken Manor who is connected with my relative does not live with me, but somewhere else on the island. I am treated horribly by the Lord and mistresses in this manor. I must clean after themselves and plow the fields with a weird enslaved group from a place called Africa. The Yoruba people, who worked in the fields and have spoken in a entirely different tongue. Not all of the Guami'ken treated me with an Abusive and disrespectful manner, the Heiress to the Family fortune, Luciana. She is younger than me by two moons. She is shorter than me, her long black hair waving down. Sometimes in a curl of frizz. Who always managed to smile and bring life into the world. I met her when she was young, I was being visited by my relative. I have not forgotten her since, now I live with her but I must live with the other slaves.
She has always taught me how to speak better in her tongue, while I have her learn my tongue. She is compassionate and caring. In my Yucayeque if she was a native I would have claimed her from the other male Ara out there. I have treated her with my out most respect. I now look out and see that the sun is at the horizon and it is morning. She usually wakes up at this hour. I hear yelling " ¡Vosotros empiezais ahora! ( you start now!),now head to the Fields!"
I flinched and I started to head to the fields. I respond by following orders, if I did not, I be executed by the Guami'ken himself.
" Espera papa, ( wait father) let me take Zaccheaus to the mart?" It was Luciana, my savior. She twirled her fingers and waited for her father's answer. I looked desperately also waiting for an answer. He looks at her and he sighs then nods his head.
He heads back inside the manor, I walk to Luciana, she smiles her hair frizzy with curls. I thanked her for what she did. I then put the hoe I grabbed earlier and put it back into the shed. I'll use it later. I had back to Luciana After everything I have finished we headed to the mart.


We were on our way to the mart, at Caparra the first Spaniard town of Boriken. Luciana asked " Why have you not joined and believe in the power of Dios?" I walk and follow her, I heard her then I said
" I am Taino, Luciana, I believe in my gods." She looked at me and she smiled. Then she told me it was fine to have my own belief. I smiled back, then she headed to a small kiosk, bought some Maize with platano, or plantain.
As we walk, I look at her. She walks causally but lady like she looked more older. I look at her and examine her again, I see that she is getting to the age of courting. I asked " Have you picked a suitor you father have asked you to busca ( find)?" She stopped looked down and shook her head. Secretly I wanted her to be mine. It was not allowed for a women of her class to court her Slave or mejor persona,( best person) like she says to me. She told me she had dos meces ( two months) to choose a suitor.
We continued to walk through the heavily crowded areas of the marts. Me and Luciana bump to each other our shoulders touch. I look at her and nodded. So we went to our secret place the Ausubu or tree.
We usually spend time there and converse and talk about stuff that was happening or we were there to learn about our cultures " He must be within the family" as she told me to ensure bloodline. I listened and we left the Ausubu as I followed her. I learned so much from her, I was grateful. I then picked her purchased goods, carried them till we reach back to the manor.
I tell her " You must one day come to my Yucayeque and see my vida por Allá ( life over there )."
She smiled and said "¿Como Puede hacais eso? ( how are you going to do that?) " I smiled, she then turned and smiled and looked at me.
"The robo, you would not be my Ari' to my people." She laughed, she smiled and turned around
She said " Let's see." She does not know that I will steal her corazon ( heart ). As we walk back to the manor. I see the Guami'ken staring at me with death glares. I looked away from him and escorted Luciana back inside. As I passed him he followed me from behind, pushed me a couple feet. I immediately stand right back up.

"No me dices! ( don't tell me!) that you touch my daughter! Or I will kill you!" He walk and got closer. He stand right in front of me, a crowd started to gather. It was the Yoruba people, they stopped working to see what is going on.
hear Guami'ken's breathing, he is furious. He is really furious. I have not done anything I am not scared of him, but I have escorted Luciana back safely. He pulled out and said "you want to fight!?" He left to grab his gun.
As Luciana's father grabbed the gun he headed back to Zaccheaus. He was not frightened, he knew that if he smart his way out he could do it. Then Luciana's father threw a knife to the ground and waited for Zaccheaus to pick it up. But he just stood there, he did not want to grab it. Luciana's father motioned to grab the knife but nothing.
" You think I'm not serious!?" He then move and shot someone in the crowd. The sound loud and defining.
" ahhh ẹsẹ mi! ( ahh my leg )" One of the Yoruba men cried out. He started to bleed from his wound, it was his leg that was shot. Everyone started to run away back to working leaving the Guami'ken and Zaccheaus alone. Some of the Yoruba men grabbed the wounded man and left in a hurry.
I stood there, a little scared at what just happened. I wondered if I can find a way to get out of this. I looked around, I see men of the Yoruba leaving. I see birds flying, not in my direction. I looked back at the Guami'ken he was looking at my with rage. As he loaded I looked back to the manor to see if Luciana is out.
I look back to see Luciana's father grabbing and cocking the gun. I sit still and closed my eyes to remember a time of the Taino named El Bravo.

....... Flashback

It was the death ceremony for the Cacique who passed Agueybana. Not only was is it a ceremony for him but for his younger brother Gueybana. He was becoming a Cacique, taking control of his brother's territory. Everyone was eating or having a fun time. Not all was dancing or enjoying the time. Only one, Gueybana, he was thinking about the Guami'ken.
As he became the new Cacique everyone looked at him, for a speech. He walked tall with brown eyes hair that reached to his back. He stood tall, his muscles tensed hard. He then yelled " Da Aru'! ( my people ) the Guami'ken are not gods but are one of us. Not in tribe but in body."
Everyone started to murmur, probably judging the new Cacique. He then started to think to support what he said. A boy in the crowd heard what he said, came closer to the Cacique leaving the crowd.
Everyone saw him but the Cacique, Gueybana yelled " From now on I'll be called Agueybana the second!" Everyone yelled. The boy walked and asked " Bo' I believe you are right, I will support you."
The Cacique was taken aback from hearing the boy, he thought he was only fourteen moons. So he grabbed the boy, he said " This is going to be my Nitaino ( sub chief )
Everyone did not tell but stayed quiet. It was not normal for a young one to be a Nitaino. If the Cacique says it, then it would be followed.
The Cacique Agueybana the second decided to have a Areytos ( War dances ) with other Cacique throughout the Land of Boriken. He currently sit with his Nitaino Zaccheaus. As well as Urayoan another Cacique.
Both have spoken, the only thing both Caciques talk about was that the Guami'ken were not gods but people. So they have gathered information to see who would be the perfect target to see if the Guami'ken are gods
       " What about Diego Salcedo?" Asked the Nitaino. Agueybana and Urayoan both have looked at the young Taino boy. Then both have looked back to each other and began conversing heavily. It true if they took and killed the legendary conquistador Diego Salcedo, then it might strike fear to the Guami'ken and be rid of them for good. Also it would guaranteed the aid of the enslaved Taino as well as the ones who are not enslaved to help rebel from these tortures. If this could work we can have another group of Enslaves or the Yoruba to help and rebel them.
        "Zaccheaus you are going to help take Diego Salcedo down, you must drown him." Agueybana said. Urayoan nodded, then then scratched his chin. The boy nodded his head.

.............end of Flashback

      The shot fired, everything was quiet. The sound got the shot echoed everyone who was near the shot heard. If it was the Yoruba then they were running back to work. If it was the Spanish they were thinking that another slave is dead. If it's a Taino the. It was probably a sound of awakening or an disagreement. Zaccheaus stayed quiet, he thought he was shot but that was not entirely true.
        " ¡Que paso! ( what happen ) with this gun!?" Yelled Luciana's father. I open my eyes to see Luciana standing there furious. She looks at her father. She then walks to him and snatches the gun from him.
      " You do not shoot him papá!" She looked furious wanting to defend me. Her father gets mad and slaps her, she grabs her cheek. I see its red, I get really mad, I run and push Luciana's father away. I then check her cheek. It was fine, The Guami'ken mumbled something under his breath and left.
      I thank her for everything, she looks at me and she blushes. Then she said " Your welcome"

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