Chapter 31

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Zaccheaus told Zacch he would do anything in his power to have Lucia back onto his arms. Mean while Zacch was just taking a nap and he kept thinking but he was till awoke and be thought about Lucia. He then decided to rest, he needed some rest. He fell asleep. Several hours passed, when the alarm ranged.
      Zacch woked up and then went to school and he stayed quiet. He just saw Lucia walking to school in the direction they use to take with each other and that's when Zaccheaus took over. Who looked at his palms and stretched and continued walking over to Lucia. She looked at him and she looked away. Zaccheaus hated it when she does that.
    " Lucia, Viene aqui por favor ( Come over here please)" That's when Lucia looked At Zaccheaus and She walked to him. She looked down and he hated that. He pushed her chin up and looked at her, he then kissed her. She was about to push and he grabbed her. She couldn't handle it and she just let him.  They stayed there for about a half an hour, they already missed the first bell for class.
    They stopped and Lucia spoke " You always know me." She looked at Zaccheaus, he was smiling at her through Zacch's eyes he knew how she was. That's when she started to look away and she bit her lip like she was hiding something. that's when she told him. " Voy a tener un hijo y es tuyo ( I am going to have a child and its yours)"  she looked at him, thinking he would be mad. She was nervous with what Zacch might say.
    Zaccheaus looked happy and he kissed Lucia, he haven't felt Luciana in a long time. But he is happy to see her. But that's when she started to frown. She told she might had to abort it, that's when Zaccheaus told her not to. He told her that every life is precious and must be repected. He then asked her if she would like to stay at his house for the night. She told him that she would have to go to a phone and call her parents. She dialed and her mother picked up. She told her mother that she would not be here tonight. She would stay with Zacch, Her mother told her it was fine.


   Zaccheaus brought Lucia to Zacch's room, Camelia was asleep after a long days work. He was going to bring Luciana back, he knew she was inside Lucia. He then saw her laying on her back and she was smiling. He then reached for something in his pocket which he pulled out a woolen item.
    " Lucia look at this." He showed her and he told her to keep it. It was an old Braclet that he have found when he looked for old relics of the Tainos. Zaccheaus felt that he awakened Luciana , she looked both ways and then to see Zaccheaus . She smiled and hugged him, she thought for a bit and he asked her " Mí Liani ( my wife)"
    " ¿Que deciste? ( what did you say?)" asked Lucia, she got back into control. She smiled and he told her it was nothing. He noticed that his wife was inside Lucia. He stroked her head She then slept, and he fell asleep besides her.

There was a budging on the door and everyone woken up it was too early in the morning. Zacch came from his slumber and saw Lucia next to him. He thought to himself " How does he do it?" He then Ran to the door, he saw that it was Lucia's father. He looked pissed, he got in and looked around saying " ¿¡Adonde Esta Mí hija?! ( where is my daughter!)"
     " She was sleeping over. What is the big deal?" Asked Zacch, that's when Lucia's father walked to him. He had hate in his eyes, he then told him that since Espinoza was Zacch's last name that he should not date his daughter. Because of some old Family dispute. He got into Zaccheaus's face like he wanted to fight.
    Zaccheaus took over he pushed Lucia's dad and he spoke " To no vas a separar nosotros, yo soy el Cacique y yo mando. Olvida de esa cosa que ya pasó. Ahora lárgate de esta casa sin tu hija! ( you aré not going to seperate us, I am the chief and I boss around! Forget about what happened along time ago. Now leave this house without your daughter!)"
     Lucia was walking down the stairs to hear all what had Zacch said and she heard inside a gentle voice that let Luciana took over. She spoke " Zaccheaus" that's when he turned and ran to her. He grabbed her, he was crying and he was really happy. Zacch then looked to see that it was time for them to go move on. He kissed Luciana one more time and they left the bodies of Zacch and Lucia. Which they stood there panting and that's when Camelia experienced the whole thing right infront of her. She clapped and decided to make breakfast. Camelia thought that she was seeing ghost from the past. She thought she drank to much.

  ---- epilogue

    Zacch woken up, several months passed and he was really excited. He wanted to go to the hospital to see Lucia, he went to Camelia who drove him to the hospital. He walked to Lucia's room, he saw her smiling and she was holding the child in her arms. He walked over to her, he started to hover over her. To see the child's face. He was really excited because after labor, Lucia fell asleep and Zacch had to leave. It was his first time seeing his child.
      " Mira Zacch ( look)" that's when it revealed to be a girl. That's when Zacch looked at her and asked her what is her name? She told him " La nombre de Ella es ( Her name is ) Estrella"  Zacch smiled and he looked at Lucia and they both stared into the eyes of Estrella.


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