Chapter 7

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It was raining, the thought of having to be alone from all this was killing Zaccheaus. He just wanted to be with his Nanichi and Rahe. He kept walking in the rain, he knew that he was getting closer. He also knew that the Cacibajagua was near the Village of the Caribe.
He bask in the rain for a bit to feel refreshed. He crossed a Bairoa ( Stream ) to reach the last patch of the jungle to the Cacibajagua. He put Macho's hat on, he missed him. He was a good friend, as well as a terrific player. Zaccheaus passed some Guami'ken watch points, but he did not passed any Caribe watch point. He kept walking, wondering what his Nanichi was doing. He kept walking till he saw an opened field. Beyond the horizon he saw Huts, he hid. He saw the Caribe, the women harvesting for what looked like a feast happening.
Zaccheaus looked closer, he then saw a group of Yoruba. Wearing Caribe clothes, as well paintings on their bodies. He watched as some of the Yoruba intermingled with Caribe, weird the Caribe had never let anyone with them. Besides women captured from our tribes. They started to give each other affection. I started to walk, passing by them without them noticing. I continued the walk.
It took me hours, Zaccheaus reached the Cacibajagua. It was pitched black inside. He made a makeshift torch, with the cloths he had on. He walked in, and did not know what to expect. His Tribe had not been in the cave for over a period of a generation. Since the invasion of the Caribe, as well as Guami'ken.
I entered the Cacibajagua, it was dark. Like my Aracoel ( grandmother) had once told me. She told me that it was filled with Boya. If you passed with good intentions, you will find your answer. If not you will stay in Cacibajagua forever.
I stayed quiet, I continued walking I saw many of my tribal writings. It all leads me to the center of the Cacibajagua, where a hot spring is in. I keep following the direction, I hear noises. I continued to see a pattern where the walls get narrower, but then opens up. I stop in place to see a hot springs, I go over the the base of the ground not entering the hotspring. I stay quiet, I think of what's happening.
The Guami'ken continuing attacking the the other Yucayeques! The Caribe killing of us one by one! Luciana stuck with her father!
Everything around me started to make noise, rocks started to fall in the springs. I then thought of  Estrella, little Estrella. The one who will after I'm gone.
She has to live, I wanted her to grow up, to see her Baba. I wanted her to not deal with what I'm dealing with. She is the future of the family.
Everything had stopped falling, but a light had appeared. It was an I'Naru ( woman sprit ) she looked at me, then she whispered my name.
she looked like my mother, so I spoked " Bibi da ita' ( mother I don't know )" looking for answers, I stayed quiet. The spirit of Bibi shooked her head.
She smiled she said "Ya', Uara' Boricu'a da Guali. Guarico Mam ( no, you are valiant my boy, come this way)." I listened to my mother's spirit, she hugged me. I felt at peace, I have not touched my mother in years. She passed after my father had passed with the first Agueybana. Her spirit exploded and wrapped around my body, I knew what I had to do then.


I reached to the cross roads of Caparra, I head to Luciana's manor. It took my a half an hour, I reached it. Three months have passed after Estrella's birth. I knocked on the door, it opens. I see its a Yoruba maid. I nodded my head, she let me in. I heard little child laughter, I head towards it. I see Luciana, she is playing with Estrella. I say " Mi Amor."
She looks, then she starts weeping. She gets up, brings Estrella. She comes to me, I wiped her face. She says " I thought you were never going to come back." I hugged her, then she saw Macho's hat.
" Where is Macho?" She asked with curiosity. I shook my head, she looked down. She kept crying, I stay quiet. I hear, Estrella laughing. I grabbed her small finger and play with Estrella.
Luciana stopped crying I asked " ¿Adonde estais tu papá? ( where's your father?)" I asked a little too late. I turn around to see him, he is quiet. He looked at me, he did not have any weapon in hand. He looked sick, I bowed.
He laughed " Indio loco,( crazy Indian ) im not going to kill you. Not unless if you cause my daughter pain" I looked dumbfounded, I thought he hated me. I turn to look at Luciana, she motioned to Estrella.
Then his laughter turned into a horrible coughing sounds. He falls to his side, I walk to help him. He grabs my hand, I pull him up helped him to his room. I locked the door, I looked at Luciana. She said " He been ill for days, he refuses to see a Doctor."
I stay quiet, then I said " I'll help," she was going to say something. I kiss her, then head out. After all who hated me, was her father. I am not letting him die.

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