Chapter 2

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So I drive home jamming to the radio like always. I pull up to my drive way and turn off the engine. I sit there and let everything soak in. He talked to me. For the first time in over 5 years. Wow. I climb out my car and head towards my door. I go straight to my room and wait for ash. Legit five minutes later this chick arrives and nearly knocks down my door.


"Jesus ash! Hurry up sit down I need to tell you some shit that happened today," she listens and sits on my bed. I soon tell her every detail that I could think of and when I'm finished she just stares at me with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"So the nerd speaks.." She whispers

"Hey! This is serious! And don't call him that.." I yell back. Mumbling the last part of course.

"Awwww look at you getting all defensive over your man." She gets up and pinches my cheeks.

Your man

I like the sound of that.

"So what are you gonna do? are you gonna talk to him or just ignore the guy?" She questions while playing with my pillows.

I think for a second. Should I talk to him. What if he hates me because I ditched him. What if he yells at me and tells me to leave him alone.
I sit quietly and soon reply with, "I'll just go with the flow"

Ashley stops throwing my pillow and stares at me. "Look Liz I know you. And I know you like this guy so for heavens sake just say hi the next time you see him.. Trust me."

I bite my lip. I wonder what he's thinking.. Then the door bell rings. Ash jumps from the bed and runs downstairs. Who the hell is at the door? I run after her, and make my way towards the door. I'm about to answer it when she stops me, "wait!"

The hell does she want.

"what?" I whisper back.

"What if it's a kidnapper?"

"Why would a kidnapper knock on the door instead of just sneaking right in and killing us!?"

She thinks for a second.

"Maybe cuz-"

I don't wait for her response I open the door and I'm met with luke's smug smile. Ash peeks and sees who it is. She makes a disgusted face "I'd prefer the kidnapper.." she walks upstairs and slams my door. Okay then. I turn towards Luke.

"Can I help you?"

"Actually I was wondering if maybe you would want to go to a movie later?" He says smirking. I know then he doesn't want to see a movie. I almost vomit.

"Listen Luke. I don't like you that way ok? I just want us to be friends."

"But we could have so much fun-"

"Luke." I interrupt "I've already said no. So please just leave me alone and I'll talk to you tomorrow at school, as friends." Before he could say anything else I shut the door and run back upstairs.


Ash and I finished our homework and are currently watching a horror movie. I personally love them, but ash well let's just say she wants to kill me every time the movie ends.

"Don't go in the fucking kitchen stupid! DO NOT GO IN THE-" the girl screams in terror as the guy murders her. "WHATD I TELL YA" Ash throws popcorn at the screen, then hides behind the covers again once the monster reveals himself.

I check my social media and start stalking people through Instagram. Hey don't judge I'm nosey. The movie ends and I turn to Ash.

"Are you sleeping over?"


"Do you have extra clothes?"


"Do you wanna go on an adventure?"

She turns to me. "The fuck you mean"

I laugh and grab her hand and lead her towards my room. I go to my closet and pick out two black outfits.

"Ooo where are we going??" She asks.

"Let's go ding dong ditch some houses and then get some froyo"

She stands for a minute thinking. "I'll pay and I'll get you extra gummy worms"

She jumps up and down and grabs the outfit "ok let's go!"

I laugh. "Who do you wanna ding dong ditch?" I ask.

She zips up her hoodie "na hoe that's for losers. Let's play grab n go" she looks at me with a smirk on her face.

For those that are confused grab n go is a game that the two of us made up when we were younger. We would jump someone's backyard and we'd have to take something from there yard. It could be a shovel, a toy, even a flower. And then hop over. Then we take that object and leave it at someone else's back yard. It was a pretty fun and wild game. We stopped playing because the cops nearly caught us once. But I think it's time we play again. We usually try to pick the yards with the most stuff in their backyard so that it's more fun.

I grab my phone and keys and we both walk out the door. I text my mom that I'm going to get yogurt and she replies with an ok. She's stuck at work again. She said she'd be home late so perfect time.

We start heading towards the sidewalk and cross the road, trying to find the perfect house. Then ash stops in her tracks.

"What?" I ask. "Did you forget your phone again?"

She shakes her head "no silly. I know exactly who's yard we should use."

"Who?" I ask waiting for her reply

"Aiden Parkers yard.."

A/n so yes it's a cliffhanger and I totally made up grab n go like idk what i was thinking but it seemed better then just ding dong ditch. But anyways! Hope yall enjoy! Sorry this was short I'll get better! like and comment. :)

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