Chapter 6

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"Oh my goodness lizzy I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Aiden says as he grabs my hand to pull me up.

Electricity pulses through us as soon as we touch hands. He lifts me off the ground with ease, and I stand there stunned.

Say something you weirdo.

"Uh tha-thanks I was just- um. I was just.-" wow I just suck at talking today don't I.

He smiles with those perfect white teeth. Damn that smile. And his hair. He smells so damn good too-

"Listen I'm sorry it was my fault I didn't see you there, but I'll see you next period right.."

"Oh yeah! Oh course I'll be there. In school. In class. In that class. Next to you. Well not next to you of course. But not because I don't want to be by you! I do. Well you might not -"

He laughs "still the same lizzy" then he walks off and turns the corner.

Still the same lizzy..

Is that good. Like I'm the same. Is that ok. What if he doesn't like the same lizzy. What if he wants a different lizzy...

Ring ring

The bell cuts off my train of thought. Well I'm about to see him in less then five minutes. What to do what to do. My face! I grab my purse and look for my mirror. Once making sure I didn't have food between my teeth, I walk into class. A lot of people are already seated. I take my seat next to Ethan and look around.

Where is he?

He should have been here by now. I mean he did walk away first.. Then I see him outside the door. He's talking to some girl.

Who the hell is that!?

She says something while smiling. Which then causes him to laugh. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, making my boring brown ones look hideous.

I'm suddenly filled with jealousy and hatred. Why is he talking to her!? Who is she? Is she prettier then me? Are they dating!? He says goodbye and walks into the class room. He passes by me and looks at me. He gives me a small smile and sits down. I frown. The hell don't smile at me while you were just talking to her. Smile at that bit-


"Present." I say.

Ethan fumbles with his pencil.

"Bet I can throw this in the trash can and make it." I look towards him about to tell him that I don't care when I catch aiden staring. Two can play this game.

"Hahahah you're so hilarious oh my goodness Ethan." I say a little louder then usual.

He stares at me like I've gone crazy.

"Uh thanks.. Liz" he replies. I smile and toss my hair out of my face. I glance back at Aiden, his eyes are glued to me.

He clenches his jaw and something flashes in his eyes. He looks down at his notebook and continues writing his notes.

I look away.

Liz what are you doing. You don't need to make him jealous or mad. Just be normal. Stop acting weird. Jesus. I sigh.

The teacher then writes something on the board

Group projects

Everyone groans

"Alright hush hush. This is going to be your  upcoming project. Now it's a group project and I will be picking your partners."

More groans.

"Ok hush now let me finish. You and your partner have two weeks to write a 3 page essay and complete a visual representation of a country. You and your partner can pick the country that you all like. I will pass out the rubric and it shows all of the things that your project must include. Honestly this is a super easy project. You just have to pay attention and pick a country that you find interesting. Also the USA is not an option."

Even more groans.

"Now this is a major grade so I expect you all to work hard. This is not something you can do the night before it's due."

The class laughs. Oh boy.

"So while you think about a country I will be calling out names and assigning your partners. Alright so can we have Jessica and James y'all will be together.."

The project does sound easy. I mean I'm not that good at essays but I do like drawing I could make a poster board..

"Ethan and Carl"

"Oh! Nice!" Carl and Ethan both high five each other. Everyone laughs.

(Cue the cliche!)

"Elizabeth and Aiden" the teacher calls out. "You two will be partners.."

A/n lmao. I will be updating soon but let me no if you want to see Aidens pov. Comment if you do or don't. Let me know  :)

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