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10 years later (Luna's pov)

I open my eyes slowly and see the light streaming through my windows, why must I always forget to close them? I turn and face the wall and slowly feel myself relax. Suddenly a familiar noise is heard from outside my door and I groan, not again.

"Luna! Luna! Luna get up! Luna!" I open my eyes and watch as Jaiden makes his way over to my bed and begins to jump up and down.

For the love of God!

"Jaiden stop!" I grab his arm and shove him down as he giggles flopping all over my white bed sheets. "I just want to sleep." I mumble closing my eyes again.

"Come on sissy, wake up." I feel his eyes watching me yet still I refuse. His fingers find my eyelids and he begins to open them. "Ew that's gross-"

I smack his hand away as he chuckles. "Jaiden enough."

"Anyways I have to tell you something, so I was at the park yesterday right.." I nod my head pretending that I'm listening, "and Tessa was there-"

"Oo who's tessaaaa." I grin, my eyes still closed.

"Shut up lu! Let me finish." He barks, I open my eyes and see his cheeks a shade of pink. "Anyways, I was with Alex and you know Alex he had to make a big deal out of it and he basically humiliated me in front of her!"

"That's what cousins are for what did you expect?" I grin, I look up at him and see him in deep thought. "Jaiden you're twelve years old you shouldn't be worrying about girls yet."

"You sound like mom." He lays his back on my bed and I grab him. "Nooo! get off no cuddling!-"

"Come on just let me cuddle with you! You're growing up too fast!" I pretend to sob and he stares at me in horror.

"You're psychotic."

"You're psychotic." I mimic, finally getting up I stretch my arms, yawning rather loudly, I throw my legs over my bed and feel the cold wood floors under my feet.

"So do you think I should talk to her?" I hear Jaiden's voice follow me into the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and yawn again.

"Well I dunno, do you really want to get to know her? Cause if you do then go for it.." I rinse my face with warm water and begin my usual morning routine.

"Well obviously I want to get to know her but what if she doesn't want to get to know me?" I watch as he messes with my hand soap, putting some all over his face. I grab it out of his hands frowning.

"Look it's too early in the morning for me to be discussing this-"

"It's noon!"

I check my phone and notice he's right, "well.." I place the toothpaste on my toothbrush and begin to scrub my teeth, "make an appointment next time."

He groans, "you're helpless!" He exits my room slamming the door as usual.

I walk downstairs to find Jaiden on the couch eating a pop tart, "still mad at me?" I question walking over to him. He looks at me and turns back to his cartoons. I'll take that as a yes. I ruffle his hair as he shoots me a death glare.

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