Chapter 8

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We quickly scatter, I run into the kitchen and hide under a cabinet. Thanks to my petite size I fit. I see Jack dash into the pantry and Ashley just stands there.

"Shit where do I hide!?" She whispers.

"Hurry ash just find some place-" I was cut off by the door opening.

She paces then just runs into the pantry with jack and tells him to move his ass over. I cover my mouth and hear some footsteps. Why the hell is she even home this early? She walks over to the sink and turns on the water.

"Elizabeth, honey I'm home early from work!" She turns off the water and I hear her moving again. I open the cabinet door a little and peek through.


I jump up a little and hit my head on the wood.

Ow that hurt like a- oh. She turns around I quickly shut the cabinet door.

"Lizzy, honey.."

I pull out my phone and text ash.

"On three ok."



"Sweet heart are you home?"



I jump out of the cabinet at the same time that ash and Jack run out of the pantry.

"SURPRISE!" We yell. She jumps up and starts screaming,

"Oh liz! Why on earth would you and Ashley do that! And Jack, you even joined in as well- Jack!" We all laugh and she runs up to hug the living crap out of him.

"Hey mom, surprise!" He hugs her back just as strong.

"Oh sweet heart I've missed you so much!" She says while pulling away. "What in the world were you all thinking?"

I giggle. "Jack wanted to surprise you for getting a promotion. We're all going to a fancy dinner now!"

"Oh that's wonderful! Ok so let's all get ready I'll make the reservations and we'll leave at 6:30. Does that sound ok?"

We all agree and go to our rooms to get ready. I shower in my bathroom and Ashley showers in the guest bathroom (basically her room). I quickly get out and put on my undergarments. With a towel wrapped around my head I try to figure out what to wear. Ashley soon comes in with a towel around her.

Since me and Ashley are best friends and basically sisters we don't mind changing in front of each other. "What do you think about this." I hold up a white short lace dress.

Ashley stares at it while she brushes her hair. "I think that would look so cute with those nude flats you have"

"You're right!" I gasp. "So happy I have you." I gush as I hug her tightly in my arms.

"Yeah yeah." She mumbles.


After many hours later ashley and I are ready for this fancy dinner. We walk downstairs, and are greeted with my beautiful mom. She looks so stunning while wearing a lovely red dress. "Woah mom what place are we eating at. You look amazing." I say while walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you so much sweet heart. But I'm afraid I have bad news.."

"Bad news.." I stiffen. "What's wrong?"

"You know Brenda right? Well she threw this party. Well not sort of party more like a get together at her place with everyone invited and there family, and she wanted me to come to congratulate me, and well I know we were planing to go to dinner but, she did me a favor the other day at the office and I'd feel so bad-"

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