Chapter 11

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***The beautiful lily Collins everyone



I laugh at my crazy best friend. And immediately blush for the 10th time while I explain everything again.

I guess we blush now. Like that's our new thing.

Guess so.

She throws a pillow at my face. I grab it and shove it in my arms. Life is beautiful. I'm on a pretty cloud. With rainbows and unicorns and pandas. So many pandas-

"Hey! Mrs. Parker pay attention!"

I stare at her less then a second, what did she just call me?

*heart eyes*

"I'm still trying to get all of this through my head. I mean we talked Ashley. And I got his number and-" I stop. His number. I check my phone. Sadly no messages from him.

Well shit.

"Listen I know you're a little shaken up with all this. But if you want I can spend the night again and we can stay up watching movies and shit and then see if he texts you and stuff. Sounds ok?"

I smiled. "Yeah sounds great ash. Thanks for being my bestfriend."

She hugged me. "Eh you're welcome shithead now let's go set up the conjuring. Imma try not to hide behind the covers this time." She says confidently as she runs to the game room.


"Turn it off, turn it off!!"

"It just started two seconds ago Ashley!"

"I know but that damn doll!"

I laugh. Then I hear a ding sound.

Along with all the 60 something messages that I never open because they're just people that have gotten my number from school. I finally find the resent message.

"Hey :)"


She jumps up and screams then turns off the television.

She turns to me wide eyed and yells at my face "the fuck bitch!"

"He texted me asshole!" I yell back.

She smirks "what'd he say."

"'Hey' with a smiley face" I smile happily. I mean hey he replied so I'm pretty excited.

"Oh shit! He wants you!"

"Ash wtf do I say!" I start walking back and forth. Like this is legit. This is a huge deal for me.

"Um idk maybe HEY! What kind of question is that!?"

"Hey :)"



Ashley stares at my screen.

"No why did you say that!?"

I throw my phone in the air. Then catch it. This bitch can't just sneak up on me like that!

"Why?! What's wrong with it?!!"

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You said the same thing as him! Why did you have to put the smiley face!"

"Idk! I panicked I wanted to be friendly!"

"Now he's gonna thing you're mocking him. And boys don't like being mocked."


"I didn't mean to mock you!"



There better?

"That's worse! Now you just double texted him! Think Elizabeth think!"

"Omg ! I did just double text him! Wtf do I do now!" I reach to grab my phone but she stops me.

"No! Bad girl. You're just gonna mess up even more!"

I huff and slouch on the couch.

I never double text. Only to Ashley. I mean guys and other people double text ME but- but not the other way! He's gonna think I'm obsessed with him.

Oh my sweet baby Jesus.

Ashley sighs "Relax relax. To fix this problem just when ever he replies-"


"He RePLIEd" I screech

I jump to the phone but miss and end up falling face first on the carpet.

"- don't text back right away."

She grabs my phone once again!

"Calm down!" I nod my head I need to take a chill pill.

Me and ash glance at my phone and without opening the message look at what he said.

"*laughing emoji* it's ok lizzy. So tomorrow right?"

I jump up and down. I have to reply!

"Aw he wants to know if y'all are still up for tomorrow." Ashley hugs me. "Don't reply yet."

"What?!" I jump up. "Why not. He laughed. He thinks I'm funny"

She rolls her eyes. "Ok fine. But say something that's not stupid ok!"

"Yes mother!" I yell back. I grab my phone and quickly reply with excitement.

"Yeah, tomorrow is perfect."


A/n so this chapter is super short which I apologize for. Next one will be better.

Eat pizza. Read "Popular Girl." Stalk your crush. And be happy!

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