Chapter 35

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I've always wondered what it would be like to die. And I know that it sounds very weird, and honestly kind of creepy. But I can't help when I think of when it will happen. Or how. And most of all how it would feel like. To lose yourself completely. Only to realize that you won't ever come back.

I'm not dying. The beeping sound of the monitor next to me can confirm it. I open my eyes and glance at the stupid thing.

The bright hospital lights blind me for a couple of seconds. I groan and shift to my side only to feel pain surge through my whole body. I whimper and go back to how I was.

Just then a hand connects with mine.

I look next to me to see my mothers worried face. Her hair is a mess, dark under eye circles are under her honey brown eyes. I slowly push her hair aside and she gets up to be closer to me.

"Oh Elizabeth," she hugs me softly. Trying to not injury me. "How are you feeling?"

I yawn loudly. "I'm ok. Hows everyone? How long have I been here? Where's aide-" I was cut off my the door to my hospital room opening. Aiden walks in softly, holding a coffee and a muffin.

I smile as he walks over to set them down, not noticing that I'm awake. He stares up at me and his eyebrows rise.

"You're awake.." He looks around frantically. My mom gets up from her seat.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while. I'll be in the hall if you need me."  I smile as my mom walks out of the room. 

Aiden makes his way over to me and sits down slowly.

"How are you?"

"Why are you here?" We say at the same time. I laugh softly.

He stares as me and answers my question, "what do you mean why am I here? I was worried sick about you Elizabeth." My heart melts at his words.

" How long have I been here.. What all happened?" I said suddenly out of breath.

He slowly got up and repositioned my pillow. "Relax shh. You've been here for two days. Ashley and jack are waiting in the hallway. They only went to the house at 1:00am whenever the hospital would say they needed sleep. You're mom also would go with them." I take in ever word slowly.

"What about you?" I look up at his eyes and he answers with out looking away.

"I stayed. All night. I slept in that chair over there." He pointed to the chair and laughed softly. "It's not the best place but.."

"Aiden." He stops speaking and glances at me. "Where's luke?.."

He takes in a breath "he's in jail. I don't know when or how long he'll be in there but he's gone for now. So I don't want you to worry about it. Ok?"

I nod my head. He comes closer and sits on the bed. "Now, how are you lizzy?"

"I'm better now that you're here.." I grab his hand and hold it tightly. He squeezes it and gets up to sit back on the chair. I frown. "No," I pat the bed "come lay with me." I say softly.

He walks over without hesitation and lays next to me in the bed. He grabs the covers and pulls them over us. I giggle as I stare at him.

I close my eyes and lay against his chest. "Luke told me that he payed Victoria to kiss you in front of me.." His body froze. But I continued. "I'm not mad anymore. I know you didn't mean to do it. Right?" I look up at him.

"Yes lizzy. I could never love anyone as much as I love you. Please believe that. Luke's an asshole." He pushed my hair aside. "I never want anyone except for you."

I smiled, "and I never want to lose you again." I kissed his lips shocking the both of us. God how I missed his touch. The sensation the tingles. The way it made me want more.

He grabbed my thigh softly making small circles. I moaned. "Your touch drives me crazy." I moaned out again.

"Your moans drive me crazy." He said his voice rough. With that he kissed me one last time before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. "I'll never let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

I fell asleep shortly after that, with aidens arms around me never letting me go, and I never wanted him too.


"Jack please shut up. We're getting food." Ashley said as she went back to fixing her hair. I was currently in the back seat of my jeep. Not being able to drive for a while I had Jack drive me and Ashley everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

"Ash maybe if you stop talking then I'll be able to concentrate and not fucking crash. K?" He glared at her and she just flicked him off.

"Fuck you." She said loudly.

"When and where baby?" Jack winked. I grinned at my brothers comeback as Ashley glared at him.

I laughed at her reaction and she got even more upset. She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned closer to Jack. I watched this unfold before me.

He saw her actions and raised his brows. "What are you-" she quickly grabbed his face and held it still as she whispered something in his ear. He was stopped at a red light so his full attention was on what she was saying. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying but I knew it was effecting Jack in many ways..

She stopped whispering and kissed him softly on the cheek holding it there for a good 5 seconds. Jack just sat there frozen solid. Ashley laughed as she went back to her seat.

"What did you say ashley?" I ask curiously. She smiled

"I don't know, what did I say Jack?"

He just kept facing forward still frozen in place. "I need a cold shower."


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