Chapter 50!

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"Here's your purse"


"Your wallet"


"And stuff that was in your pocket which is." The lady at the front goes to get a clipboard and starts checking things off.

"A stick of gum, two quarters, a broken ring, and a Chapstick." She walks to the back and grabs a bag filled with those items.

I look up at her and smile.

"It was actually three quarters.."


"ELIZABETH ROSE WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!" My mother screams as I get into the car.

I huff as I close the door and turn on the radio.

"No!" She yells and quickly turns it off, "answer me!" She pauses "now.."

I rub my face softly and wince, "mom she kissed Aiden ok!"

My mom shook her head and starts the car, leaving from the police station. I glance out the car window and look for any fast food places.

Maybe she'll get us something...

"Mom.." I say, I gulp slightly.

"Hmm" she responds.

"Can we get in and out..?" We pull up to a stop sign and she groans.

"Elizabeth.." She starts

"Ok ok! Nevermind!" I say raising my hands defeated.


"No phone for a month?" Ashley screams. I cover my face with my pillow. This outta be torture.

"No snapchat no texting no Instagram no social media period! HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE!"

I grab her by the hands and whisper softly. "Chill fam.."

She yanks herself off and starts pacing. Something she does a lot actually. I cause her a lot of stress.

"But-but what about prom!?" She asks. Oh yeah I forgot about that. "Everyone's going to be taking pictures and shit!"

Am I even going to prom..

"Of course you are!" Ashley screams. Oh I said that out loud.."The fuck is wrong with yo ass." She walks over to my nightstand and pops it open. Digging in she finds a container of pain reliever and places one on her tongue swallowing.

"Well it's just Aiden hasn't asked me yet.." I say.

She nearly chokes on her saliva and starts coughing. "It's next week!"

"Has Jack asked you?" I question. She stares at the wall silently and shakes her head.

"No.." She says quietly. Aw ash. She nods and stands up. "But this isn't about me. It's about you!"

She starts pacing again and quickly stops and asks the dreaded question.



"Do you even have.. A fucking dress?"



"Alright I didn't think it all through!"

She groans and grabs my hand roughly and reaches for my keys.

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