Chapter 27

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Three days until New Years and I got my period.

A/n tmi I know. Sorry. But continue.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I scream. I run out of the bathroom pissed. Not a good way to start my new year.

I pray for Aiden. Babes gonna have to deal with me and my terrible cramps, mood swings, cravings and all that other amazing stuff.

Note my sarcasm. I roll my eyes as I make my way downstairs to get some cereal. I want some lucky charms. Like now.

I open the pantry and look for the delicious goodness. Uh where is it? 


Jack comes into the kitchen rubbing his sleepy face. He yawns slightly and squints at me.

I growl. I legit growl at him.

"The hell is your problem."

I lose it.


Am I being too harsh? I mean I'm known for being an evil rotten bitch on my period but is this going too far.

Na he ate your food remember.

Oh Yeahh

I grab him by the collar and look him deep in the eyes.

Fear. That's all I see in them.

"Get. Me. My. Fucking. Lucky. Charms"

He gulps.


I put my bowl in the dish washer and rub my belly. A small smile plays on my lips as I make my way to my room.

I lay on my bed and close my eyes, I have to help Ashley with the party.


I get up and huff, I make my way to the driveway and get into my jeep. Before arriving at Ashley's I make my way to in and out.


Once done eating, I start driving to Ashley's house.

I get there just in time to see her putting more decorations in the living room. She goes all out.

For the next three house I helped Ashley arrange tables, the patio, back yard, making sure we had enough food and drinks etc.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and see one missed call from Aiden. I click the button and it begins to ring. On the second one he picks up.

"Hey what's up?" I say casually. I start walking to the driveway and get inside my jeep.

"Oh nothing I was just going to go to the library to drop off this book and I thought you'd like to come.." He says.

I smile "sure! I'll be there in 15 I just have to pick up a few things."

I hang up and drive to McDonalds.

What? Don't judge.

I grab my food and begin eating in my car. The cramps slowly go away but I know this whole week is only getting started. I munch on the fries and my burger. While listening to the radio softly.

I take one last sip from my soda and make my way to the library where my precious awaits.

I pull up to a red light and sigh. Once green I begin to continue my journey, though stop when someone cuts me off.

I gasp and roll down my window. I stick my middle finger at the old lady and beep at her.

She yells a few curse words. I gasp.

"YOU FILTHY MUGGLES DISGUST ME!" I yell back and with that I speed off.

I pull up to the library and take a deep breath I don't want to be sassy with Aiden.


I smile. Exactly think happy thoughts.

I climb out of my jeep and open the huge doors. Warmth engulfs me and the little bell at the top of the door rings. I make my way to the back and see where Aiden and I sat last time.

He's not here?

I looked around puzzled. Did he leave? I'm about to pull out my phone and dial him when laughter cuts me off.

I know that laugh..

I follow the sound and turn a corner where more chairs are located. I see Aiden immediately.

Then I look next to him to see that blonde girl from school the one that walked him to class twice. I grit my teeth. My stomach tingles. I'm fuming...

What the hell is this bitch doing talking to MY boyfriend!

She continues to laugh at something he said and then touches his arm.

Alarms go off in my head. She's touching what's mine.

I storm over there and catch Aidens gaze. He gets up from his chair and smiles.

"Oh hey Elizabeth, you made it." He says casually.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I nod my head at him and face the blonde demon. I raise an eyebrow, so this is what he wants. Her.

There's tension in the air and I know she feels it too.

She stands up and smiles.

"Aiden, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend-"

"Girlfriend." I interrupt "I'm his girlfriend Elizabeth, and you are?" I say with a slight sassy tone.

She stands there stunned, "Oh I'm Ally."

I give a bored expression. "Well nice to meet you Ally. I had no clue Aiden talked to an "ally"' I say and turn to face him. I glare at him and he just looks at me confused.

He looks towards ally and I frown. She senses the tension between us and gets her bag.

"Oh well it was nice to meet you Elizabeth, and well I should get going.."

She walks off and turns the corner I don't look back towards Aiden until I hear the ring of the bell meaning she left.

I face him, and glare harshly.

"What was that about? Are you ok-"

"Am I ok? Am I ok! Oh I'm fine! I'm perfect Aiden. That girl was just flirting with you. My BOYFRIEND. but I'm fine." I yell I storm out of there and turn the corner. I hear running footsteps behind me.

Just then an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back.

He looks me up and down "she wasn't flirting with me." I glare. "You have to believe me she's-"

"What!? she's what Aiden! She's special she means something to you. Well you know what fine!"

I rip myself off him and open the door I slam it closed making the little bell yank off.

I run to my jeep and get in. Tears start pouring out of my eyes.

I don't even know why I'm so upset. These hormones just..

The passenger door opens and Aiden steps in. He sees my face and his expression softens.

"Elizabeth please-"

"Save it! Just leave me alone go be with that blonde headed muggle.."

He stares at me confused.

"I want to be with you!" He says and grabs my face. I look into his blue eyes.

"Lizzy.. She's my cousin.."


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