Chapter 58

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"YOU SAW AIDEN." Ashley screams for the hundredth time. I've explained everything to her and yet this is the only thing she can manage to say.

I cover my face with my hands whimpering softly, God this is a huge mess.

"Oh and did I mention I forgot my bag!" I scream. "Now the bastard has an excuse to see me again. Fuck! Why did those guards have to tackle me down." I bite my fingernail and Ashley smacks my hand.

"Your nails need to be pretty for my wedding stop that!" She jogs over to the kitchen and grabs herself a water bottle.

"Ashley what am I going to do? What if he calls!" I cover my face and fall off the couch. Do I want him to call..

Of course not!

I don't need him. I have spent two years without him. I don't need him to come running in after that time and just expect everything to be normal. Because it's not!

We're insane.

"Look what you need to do is relax. Ok? So what if he calls you're not going to marry the dude just. Take it easy alright." Ashley rubs small circles on my back and I nod my head. I need a warm bath asap.

"Did he mention anything about the dance studio?" I roll my eyes. The one thing I went over there for and we didn't even discuss it.

"It wasn't mentioned as much. I was mostly screaming at him and crying like a crazy person.." I pull my hair up in a messy bun and ash sighs.

"Look sweet pea. You deserved to react the way you did I mean. For gods sake he's your ex boyfriend. You needed some answers and I mean you tried to get them. Don't beat yourself up for it. It's been two years. What, were you suppose to forget all that time that he left you? No. So just.." She stops and smiles. "Just don't let him get to you." I nod again and hug her.

I wouldn't survive a day without this girl by my side.


"Ok class that will be all for today. You're doing great! Just four more eight counts to choreograph and you will be finished!"

The girls all clap their hands while they race to their bags, I go to the back and grab my water bottle from mine taking large gulps.

"Bye Ms. Rivers!" They all shout as I hear the bell of the door.

"Bye girls, have a great weekend." I wave as they all walk out one by one. Silence greats me and I quickly start sweeping the floors.


I turn around and my eyes widen. "Oh Evan!" I calm my breathing and walk over to him. He hands me another package while a smile is planted on his face.

"Didn't mean to scare you but um here just sign here for me please." I take his clipboard and sign it.

"It's alright I'm a little jumpy is all." I laugh and hand the clipboard back. He waves and walks towards to the door, just before he's about to open it he turns and looks at me.

"Elizabeth I know this is a long shot.." He scratches his head and I stand there confused. "But would you maybe like to have dinner with me tonight or whenever you're free."

I stand there shocked. "Um.." I gulp. "I don't know if I'll be able to tonight I mean I'm so busy with the dance studio and this company wants to tear it down-"

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