Chapter 3

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"ARE YOU INSANE!" I shriek. Ashley has lost it. I'm not going to grab n go Aidens house!

"Liz! Be quiet you're so loud," she whispers as she smacks my arm. "Live a little Liz. Come on. Aren't you dying to know what's in his backyard?"

"You say that like he's hiding a dead body or something!" The thought comes to mind and I shiver.

"Well.." She pauses "let's find out"
She smirks and continues walking down the side walk. I sigh.



"His house is this way."

"Oh I knew that."

As we make our way to Aiden's house I can't help but feel excited. I hadn't busted his house since 6th grade for the science fair project. As we cross the street I look towards the sky and see the sun has already gone down and it was getting dark. Cars pass leading the way with their light.

We turn the corner and there it was. Walking up the steps I suddenly regretted getting a large cup of yogurt. The fence was pretty tall but we could still jump it.

"Alright this is it you ready?"

"Maybe we should get some more ice cream.." I say trying to walk away. She pulls my back keeping me in my place. I huff in annoyance. I can not believe I'm doing this.

Ash cups her hands making it so that I can step into them. I step in easily and grab on to the top part of the fence. I take a deep breath and hop over. I'm now on top of the fence and filled with adrenaline.

"Ok I'm good Imma jump off- wait I think my hoodies stuck.." I try pulling free but I can't Panic surges through me. No no no no. I knew I shouldn't have done this I'm going to be in so- I hit the floor with a loud thump.

"Holy shit!" Ash yells "are you ok?! That was amazing! Your ass flew!" She laughs.

I get up groaning. Ouch. I nod my head though. "Yeah I'm fine but my arms hurt and my ass is eating my underwear."

She bursts out laughing, covering her mouth to try and be quiet. I snort at her reaction, I can not believe she is talking me into doing this.

"Alright I'm going to go wait out in the front call-"

"WHAT?!" I shriek "you're leaving me?!"

"You did this when you were 12 calm down!"

I take deep breathes but before I can respond she already walks away from the fence. I mentally prepare myself. Ok I can do this. I take out my phone and turn on the flashlight. Hopefully they don't have a dog.. Oh lord.. First thing I do is start walking and the first thing I see is a cute flower bed. I then walk a little further and shine my flashlight at the whole backyard and take in my surroundings. There's a pretty tree, some bushes, more flowers and a playground set.

Aidens little sister. I totally forgot about her.

I start walking over to the playground near the swings. There's tons of things I can grab. I see plenty of toys and teddy bears scattered along the grass, but nothing quite interesting. I mean hey if I'm going to sneak into my crush's yard and steal something might as well it be entertaining. Then something catches my eyes.

I pick it up and notice it's an old red baseball cap. It looks so worn out but kinda cool at the same time. I dust it off making sure theres no bugs inside.

I think we just found our item.

I smile, its sorta cute, I start looking around more until I hear the back door open.

Uh oh.

I freeze.

What if it's Aiden don't just stand there move you retard!

I put the cap on and dash towards the bushes, making sure I don't make a sound. The person walks out the door. They're pretty small and have long hair. Aidens sister! She looks to be around 7 years old and is so adorable. I watch from the bushes feeling like a total creeper.
She walks towards the playground set and starts looking for something. She was long brown straight hair and dazzling blue eyes just like her brother. She sure is gonna break hearts when she gets older.

She walks around looking at the ground. Then picks something up. It's a teacup. She jumps up and down.

"I found it! I found it!" She giggles.

"Really I could have sworn it was in the kitchen.."


And at that moment he opens the door and walks out. With some black sweatpants and


I cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I'm dying this boy is like a god. Damn he works out. He has a better body then most football players, with his soft creamy skin and abs that I just wanna run my hands- woah! Hold it. Pay attention you creeper.

He walks out and goes towards the swing set. "I told you it was here, I told you!" His sister says.

"Yeah sorry Sophia I just thought it was on the kitchen table." He runs his hand through his hair and DAMN does he look good.

"Well you were wrong" she giggles.

"I guess so" he laughs. "Want a piggy back ride all the way to your room. Since I was wrong." He smiles as she squeals, jumping up and down. Aw how cute. He chuckles and turns around and lowers his back. She hops on his back and-


The fuck is that?



I grab my phone out of my pocket and shut it off. Shit! Who the hell is calling me. I look at my phone. Luke! Really?

"Who's there?" Aiden calls out.

I start to shake. Fuck I'm screwed. Shit I'm so done. God please if you're watching me right now please please please help ya girl out.

God: new phone who dis.

"Come on Aiden let's go and watch tinker bell!" Sophia tugs on his arm and I'm suddenly thankful for her persistence.

He looks out into the distance before nodding his head and picking Sophia up on her back. They both walk into the house her giggling the whole time.

I let out a breath. That was close. I climb out of my hiding spot and dust off my pants. I start to walk across the yard when the door opens again. I squeak. Shit. Aiden walks out and sees me instantly, though because of the dark night and black outfit I doubt he sees my face.

I freeze
He freezes.

"Who the hell are you?!" He shouts.


I think of the first thing that comes to my mind...

"Deez nuts"

And with that I run as fast as I can and jump the damn fence on my own. Still wearing the cap I see ash and tell her to run. She instantly doesn't give it a second thought and runs as well. We continue to sprint until we reach my house. We barge into my room and take deep breathes.

"Fuck." Ashley breaths out, "I think I just lost like 20 lbs." she falls on the ground and I cover my mouth from laughing.

a/n hope yall like.
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